Best age Biologically to sire kids and be a father

Zaa mapema like right now. The kids will grow i’m sure hutashindwa kulea. They will start giving you money when you are fifty something if u retire early.

Kijana, uko 25 na umeanza kupanga story za familia… :D:D:D:D:D… No wonder poverty is generational in Kenya…:D:D:D:D:D

Unafaa kuwa ukifikiria how you’ll accumulate assets until your 40s… Jesus, you’re priorities are all fucked up…

But, hey, maybe you know something that I don’t


Theory…too much theory. Not too long ago, I stayed at my relatively rich uncle for a couple of months. He was in early 50s while the wife was in her late 20s - early 30s. The lady was a house wife, just taking care of the three small kids; all below 6 years, (my cousins) at home. I realised how plastic that marriage was when the lady started being too familiar with me, whenever the man of the house had traveled outside the country. She would come to my bedroom (the guestroom) at night with nothing concrete to ask, ati she just wanted to know if I am asleep :rolleyes:. I had to find my way out of that house with flimsy excuses, before lines were crossed. I had also realised that the gardener always tried to avoid the lady, he kept his interactions with her to a bare minimum.

Getting your money game right is important, but no its not everything. Nothing in this world says you cannot rise to the top echelons of your career and money game with a (good) wife. Jeff Bezos started Amazon after he had married his now divorced wife (he is the one who messed up the marriage), Warren Buffet got his first wife when he was 22 (she died and he remarried), etc etc. It takes a lot of hard work and patience that way, but I’d rather go that route than end up with some lady who can be dicked at any time by anyone. Remember, if you bought her with money, she can be bought off by someone else with more money, or something that you do not have.

Good for you… Now let your fellow man make his own individual decisions, the consequences will be his

If you are from a rich background or live in a society that values kids and has a world class social welfare model eg Norway ,Sweden etc ,by all means oa mapema .We have fucked up the education system so uta anza kulipa fees from your kid akiwa 3 to 23 . 20 years za kulipa fees .You want quality education for your kid so a decent school will cost you not less that 80K per term .Ongeza rent and private healthcare because we have also fucked up the public health system and you realize that you are just about to become a slave of parenthood .
Kazi itakua tu ku lament bei ya unga, ya maziwa na ya diaper .If that is what you want ,marry saa hii .

Alternatively you can use the next five years establishing yourself financially .Take calculated risks and establish multiple income streams .Avoid alcohol and invest as much as you can while taking care of yourself ki afya .Join a gym and exercise like an athlete .By the time you hit early 30s ,you will be living on your own terms .In the end, you will realise that you are alone in this race called life.

Everyone achezee kwa frequency yake.

I agree it is important to make sure you won’t struggle to meet the basic needs before you marry, and most importantly before you get kids in that marriage. But, I see a lot of unmarried dudes who have nothing much to write home about. They just fuck around and drink.
Funny is when they decide to finally settle, they end up with some below average chicks (looks, intellect/education).

Guess, nothing is straight forward in this life.

We can see for ourselves as a country the fruits that comes with siring at that age.

So far this is the soberest advice I have seen here on this forum for a long time

You young chaps surprise me, do u even have the slightest idea of the rigors of this dogshit called ‘marriage’? At 25, you are at the cusp of your whole life na u want to fuck it by wifing someone who will start despising u as soon as she knows u can’t walk away without losing your sleep and kids?
Boss, save yourself a little headache and focus on that hustle. Trust me, your time will come.

Simple logic. Look at yourself and all your siblings and calculate your parents’ age at the time of siring you. If you’re not sane, then start earlier than them

There is another angle we are not looking at here. It’s not about when but if. Marriage is a choice so one can decide not to get married.

Take it from the expert dryfry artist.

there is no appropriate age but I recommend getting kids(not marrying) from the age of twenty .piga dem wawili ball then ingia mitini if you don’t have the finances.

Hakuna kitu poa kama uko 45 years na mtoi ako 20 .

Marriage age ni 35 and above unaoa kitu ya 25 years

Uingie mitini watoto wako wakuwe machokora. Imagine your own flesh and blood being chunishwa sukuma in the streets…bullshit advice

Marry when you think its the right time to do it. Otherwise we dont want you to regret later na uje kusema it was advice by ktalkers…
Do it when you think its right for you or when you think you got the right person to marry.

I am a techie, and I also turned 25 last month…focus on your hustle then think of marriage in the next 5-10 years. Ukioa saa hii you will probably get hitched with a college mate who is with you coz you are a safe bet for now. Work hard, meet more people, further your studies if you want, get a car if that is your thing but stop thinking about getting cuffed right now

This archaic thinking is why Africa is still lagging behind? So your kids should be your retirement plan?

Once you start earning, you should start planning for retirement. Have a jungu buddy, mid-30’s already has $500,000.00 in his retirement plan (401K).

He has no debt, buys nothing on credit. If he can’t afford, he does not buy it. Has put aside money too for his two kids. Fiscal discipline, it starts early in life and should be taught in schools.

Huku ni Kenya pesa ni ya wenyewe.

Best age to start getting kids is 24-26. And get them back to back. By the time you are 30, you done. Getting kids make you more focused. You will loose less money to booze and women. No better feeling in this world than being 40-45 and all your kids are out of the house, gone to college. You have all the time to tour the world. And if you played it right, you will have the finances. And the energy. Why get kids until your 40s and get to 60+ before your youngest one leaves. What energy do you have left? Too old to try and spend all day playing golf at St. Andrews in Scotland.

Are you sure that child had Karume’s DNA?