Benin Unveils Giant 30-Meter-High Bronze Statue of An Amazon Warrior Woman




[SIZE=6]Benin Unveils Giant 30-Meter-High Bronze Statue of An Amazon Warrior Woman[/SIZE]

Benin’s President Patrice Talon has unveiled three monuments in the capital Cotonou to remind citizens to celebrate their historical heroes.

The monuments include the garden of Mathieu, the statue of King Bio Guera and that of the Amazon.

Mathieu’s gardens is in honor of former President Mathieu Kérékou. The gardens are part of the project embellish the city of Cotonou, a showcase city of the country.

The giant Amazon statue has long fueled controversy in the country. Called “Esplanade des Amazones”, this square houses a majestic statue of a warrior woman considered for some as Queen Tassi Hangbè and for others, the portrait of a Beninese Amazon.

Benin’s President said “We don’t celebrate enough of what is gratifying in us, and in others, enough to instill pride in ourselves and in our community. What we sing daily to the point of sometimes baptizing them “Beninoiseries”.

“It is time to be aware and proud of what we are Benin: the successful fusion of these ancient great kingdoms and peoples that are the baatonou, berba, wassangari, yoruba, adja, fon, goun, waama, batammariba, yom , peulh, and many others; each as deserving as the other,” added President Patrice Talon.

At least they have space. Can you imagine that much acreage in Kenya. Jamaas would have a blueprint to build a slum.

Niggs wasting money on useless rubbish while their citizens are drowning in the Mediterranean sea trying to reach Europa.

Calling African women fighters ‘Amazon’ women just shows the **** of Africans. Even your brave women are westernized.

Leftist-controlled Mzungu wikipedia article here:

Don’t use Wikipedia for any info that you consider important, especially when it is opinion-based.

So, the suffering women of Benin, and their men, of Benin are supposed to look at this statue and feel better about their conditions brought about by thieving leaders?

It’s impressive but this is a unique West African problem whereby they waste money on expensive monuments while people starve

It is better than Christianity and Islam.

It’s funny that the people castigating the statue look in awe at Michelangelo’s works and the statues of Jesus, Mary, etc.
And pray/hope while invoking them.

It’s a great thing to do for the people( At a modest cost ) It allows citizens to feel proud of who they are and their roots.
Anyone who has played strategy games about building empires like Ancient Egypt or Rome will tell you that building statues /temples /public squares increased people’s happiness= more productivity = more tax

You should stop to look at a situation from the point of view of false propaganda promoted by Western media. The fact is that people are not starving in Benin. More tourists are now coming to Benin to see the statue and now tourism contributes to the growth of GDP and helps earn
foreign exchange. Tourism help also in recovering the costs of expense for the statue

Benin is where voodoo, or Vodun, first began. It is recognised as an official religion and is followed by about 60% of the population. Even people who would consider themselves to be Christian or Muslim generally follow voodoo practices as well. Voodoo is seen as totally normal in Benin

That is mere wishful thinking. This is clearly a case of misplaced priorities. Those funds would have been used to create better infrastructure.

Voodoo is an evil religion based on witchcraft and black magic.

Prove it