In a fwackin concert!
This again?
And in spite of all this , some in here talking about white’s as if they are some sort of master race …
Bure Kabisa … :D:D
Ngai Mwazani!
@Jehovah Wanyonyi umeona hii?
Send lightening.
Huyo ni @cortedivoire
Lol. @Jehovah Wanyonyi is in heaven with himself drinking Guinness kubwa
Huyo ni @Tommy Kwesule
I’ve noticed the people who think like this don’t interact with mzungus often.
Ile Malaya @Weyn na mamake wakitafuta customer
I provide Medical Services to them daily …
Nothing very special about them , apart from behavior and color of their skin …
Once you have lived with them , that aura most of you associate with them just evaporates … :D:D
Nimembao. Siwezimind kupewa golden shower na dirty Sanchez na white bitches
…Na pia usafi hawapendi saaana. A poor African is way times cleaner than a mzungu in the same situation.
My only fetish is having sex. Hio tu, sina ingine. Normal.
wololo yayee
That woman is actually a light skin negro - no surprises there
That’s even weirder.The fact that a mzungu man is okay with getting peed on by a negroe is just baffling.
Maybe he’s a cuck.
Whoops, turns out she’s black. Must be the effects of dat dere slavery.
So that’s how women pee