Behold- The Most Expensive Railway Line In The World

Kenya is shortly expected to sign a Sh368 bn loan for the construction of the Naivasha-Kisumu leg of SGR, bringing the total debt for the project to Sh845 bn and making the cost effectively Sh800 m per km — most expensive project of its kind in the world.

Ni hayo tu kwa sasa.

Sasa unataka tufanye mini?

Proposed British HS2 - (Part of it) - 6.6 miles for £8.25bn
Ksh 78 Billion per km

Channel Tunnel - 50km for $22.4bn
Ksh 45 Billion per km

California high speed - 119 miles for $10.6 bn
Ksh 5.5 Billion per km

Malaysia East Coast Rail Line - Ksh 2.2 Billion per km

Bangladesh (Dhaka to Jessore) - Ksh 1.6 Billion per km

So, where did you hear the Kenyan sgr is the most expensive? I doubt we would even scratch top 50 in the world.
Kenyans are easily mesmerized by small $ billions. Some countries are building rail worth hundreds of $ billions without any noise.