Beautiful wives

There has been a belief of beautiful women not making good wives… am watching a wedding on KTN and this lady is getting married to a widower who has 4 boys…she has 1 boy and from how emotional she is and letting the kids even participate in the vows…sasa hii mambo ya only pple who are not so good looking making good wives imetoka wapi

hio sijui,lakini what i know you can be a very good wife to me hata na hio urembo yako

mwanamke ni tabia…


Hii add ya coke inaniua…

sasa hawa wanaume wanataka mujiweke madent na mutoe meno ndio muwe ugly wawaoe?

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una quote research gani ama stereotype?

Research ya akina @Ingia n @Ice_Cube na some talkers complaining


that stereotype is very true. The hot chick attracts everyone so it’s like her job is done i.e. she doesn’t have to improve in other sectors of life. Ata asipooga siku tatu kuna wanaume watamlamba na ata wamnunulie gari. The average looking chick has to be good in everything else to compensate for lack of beauty and it’s these other things that make one to be a wonderful wife

So yes, beautiful women make the worst wives… (there may b 1 0r 2 exceptions like in every statistic)… That woman in ur story has a child already so her value has been lowered and thus she’s making up for it by being a good wife


Si unakuwanga na wana :smiley:

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are you beautiful?is it good to beautifu?,can you define beauty? If you’re beautiful do you look down at those you think are not beautiful?is beauty nurtured or inborn?

Purr kuna ile tunaita dame kujua yeye ni msupuu. she internalizes her beauty to a point that it becomes the interface theough which she interacts with her environment. to her, people relate to her because she is beautiful and it benefits them to be seen in the company of such beauty; she will get anything she wants because men cannot say no to such beauty. as a result she gets some false superiority complex. when in a relationship, she is guided by the assumption that it is the man who is lucky to be in a relationship with her and she can drop him anytime for the countless mafisi baying at her ass right at the get. she therefore doesn’t work to build the relationship as it is the man’s job if he wants to retain the beautiful catch. hapo ndio mambo inakia ngumu kwa jamaa


To be honest…i find the combination of beauty and brains…very very rare…the so considered ‘less beautiful’ tend to compensate this by being the best wives to whoever is bold enough to marry them…yet majority of the so called ‘beautiful’ have proven to be abit lazy and overconfident .banking on their looks…often using their beauty to manipulate and have their way …nway who in God’s name told some of these lasses brown is beautiful?


Well the society especially the men push the women or make the light women seem more attractive…even frm posts from here calling them"rangi ya thao" …dats why women r bleaching

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mwanamke ni tabia, I think some errors are normal but we are always very patient

I have seen a handful of these women mess their faces…in the name of bleaching…ending up looking like a scene from a horror movie…jamaneni

Some beautiful women make your day bad. hadi ukijua weekend she will be over at your place, kuna vile haikujazz sababu inakuletea kazi mingi ya kudeal na yeye.

@Purr_27 A woman crying at wedding and saying vows isnt even a poor description of a good woman.
@ol monk How much bullcrap have you taken from women. Because some here have taken in sackfuls of it. some talkers here are talking abt things they have experienced. You cant get intimidated by someone lazying abt in your house. However, you can get intimidated if you havent even shagged a girl or tried to cohabit with one.


Don’t let their views get in to you. They don’t represent the entire male community. It’s the same case that some women say that men are dogs…


If it is not momo, it ain’t beautiful?

BTW @ Purr, I did not make a blanket statement, I only commented on a previous experience and stating the attractiveness of the lady was only to reinforce the swahili saying on viatu na avaae and stuff like that nimesahau how it goes

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