BBI was very dangerous for Kenya Ruto

It would have created an imperial presidency…he says


Why is he still rubbing it in?

The very same guy who fought the 2010 constitution

That’s true. Ruto is a very wise conman. He knows how to articulate the issues affecting commoners and cloth himself as the savior who will address them. Now compare him to the other side. Even when communicating good things, they address them with so much chest thumping, threats etc that they end up turning off the commoner

Watu watashangaa… Ruto will not be handed presidency. It will be someone else and not even Raila… the holder is holding the last card

Muteso Abba wacha nibookmark hii comment yako. We shall revisit after the 2022 elekshens!


Mimi nashangaa Sana kwa hii na Kijiji na watu wanaota ruto kua president…tunajua amepanga kuresign around early next year

Can we interrogate the message, is it true?
Let the messenger be

The irony.

Good fish memories

And when did you become God?