Your vote and my vote don’t matter anymore. The way Atwoli and his fellow goons have been talking since 2018, it seem hata Arror ashinde na 95% bado atanyanganywa afanye vile atafanya. Deep state and other elite with ill gotten wealth will not allow Ruto to ascend to the house on the hill.
Kenya’s Presidency is dished out by some few Billionaires who own Banks, Oil companies and factories and as of today those Billionaires are on Uhuru’s side.
Mark this listing and come back here on August/September 2022. Take a screen shot.
This time rigging wont be easy, infact it would be nearly impossible concidering both the incumbent(Jayden) and opposition(ruto) are in government with administrative powers.
:D:D:D:D:D…deep state are in for a rude shook,I said it here but let me repeat ,the deep state can be roasted individually or be roasted together ,but never mess with the man from sugoi.
:D:D:D:D:D… roasting ya a few shillings for every citizen ni kidogo Sana , mbillionaire akinyimwa tenders worth millions or billions inauma zaidi,been there na nyama ilitolewa kwa mdomo even after I had started chewing.
:D:D:D:D:D…the world isn’t fair my fren , billionaire akikosa nyama inauma Sana just look at Rao before the hand cheque alikua" njaa "sana together with his mboys siku hizi do you hear the likes of Sifuna,ledama ,suna east mp na mbadi making noise ? Mtu ya kibera or peasant diary cows and tea farmer in muranga is just a means to an end for politicians, that life itabidi peasants wamezoea