BBI Plan B

If the BBI appeal fails at the court, the president will distance himself from constitutional amendment and hire somebody else as a proxy.

The proxy will then be backed by state machinery, and it will seem like a popular initiative is coming from the people.

They will make a few adjustments here and there, but it will be the same bill just rebranded.

The only problem will be making the amendments before 2022 elections.

Or they could win in court.

BBY is dead. Nitasema mara ngapi

Teekay ame waste fundi magungu.

They were amending the constitution because of one person.
They changed our currency because of Arror.

After io upuzi yote, then Arror aseme hataki kuwa rais, wataonekana mafala.


Time is shafting them bila lube. Gatheca nashuku hii BBI wasn’t his idea.

You can’t make these many mistakes when the idea is yours.

Kuna mzee alimaliza hiyo bbi jana…aliichapa maryko

Uncle machos mmoja ama mwingine? … ile tamaa huyo mujamaa akona yo ata heri ya RaiaMkuu

BBI is dead and buried. IEBC ishapeana timeline ya next year’s elections. That means its a wrap for BBI.