@FieldMarshal CouchP
@FieldMarshal CouchP
@FieldMarshal CouchP is having the biggest wank festival of his life…
Do we as Africans rely on the colonizers to tell our stories?
I saw some prominent news people who have been hired by the BBC. They were comparing the dress code at the BBC offices to our local media companies. At the BBC you can wear whatever, your hair can be how you want it and your ears can be pierced however. Then these ‘woke’ guys started criticizing Africans and their standards of work dress requirements.
These punks forget that those standards we now have were set by the white man. Africans had to perm, wear well pressed khakis and have no traditional ornaments on them. The same Africans are now vilifying ‘the African’ for not being progressive.
The man,your agemate has put it across that he listens to these news peddlars
I’m sure what they are criticizing is the rigidity and failing to move on with times in terms of dressing.
I saw Ciru Muriuki say that she was fired at a local station because she refused to cut her dreadlocks. Now she’s at BBC.
How you dress, set your hair or whether you have tattoos should not prevent you from getting some jobs, if you appear decent.
It seems you are one of those who have refused to adapt.
Am sure Uhuru will spin this to say jobs have been created
haven’t they?
That is the same reasoning that ciku is using. We have to look back and ask, how did we get to these rigid rules? Wasnt it through colonization? I remember Sankara had made all civil servants dress in an African attire for work. Africans wear suits and white wedding gown for the same reason.
Now that mzungu has changed, we have to follow and call whoever is left behind rigid?
It’s a very complex issue on imperialism, lack of identity and a mix of the African inferiority complex.
I stopped watching BBC in 2007, 3 years before I stopped watching CNN.
When you keep watching either BBC or CNN for long enough you will find yourself hating everything about you, your people, your customs, your beliefs, your religion, your women, your homes etc you will never see any good in people who look like you.
Resist BBC and CNN if you want good mental health.
I gave maximum respect to BBc after watching the documentary on Cameroon killings… That was super professional
They’ve already taken control of the narrative even to the local and African audience through their Eye on Africa series.
Kusema ukweli, they did that while we were asleep trying to ape them in their setups and presentation complete with weaves. They came in, threw money at local presenters (gave them a chance to be like they who they so admire) to give their stories an African face.
They then went ahead to tell the stories we should have been telling to begin with. But they’ll never tell the good ones, because it is not in their interests. Even if we now wake up and start telling the good ones, they boring(er) than sexy salacious sociolite stories.
Yours is just silly criticism, now that according to you, mzungus chose the African corporate uniform, did they also stop ngozi nyeusi’s from evolving and embracing better practices. Waafrica watawacha lini hii upumbavu ya kublame mbeberu even after a half a century of independence?
It isnt. Si mambo na ubeberu, ni mambo about self and identity. Yaani kama waafrika kila saa ni kutumia mzungu kama benchmark. Hapo ndio shida. I included the word complex for a reason. Sio nguo pekee, hata mambo kama ushoga utaita ni ku-evolve na better practic? Nguo ni ile kitu ndogo.
BBC is simply taking advantage of a content gap in Africa. Very few African media channels create compelling content. Look at our own media landscape, it’s full of dumb shit! Maina kageni-dumb-talk. It offers nothing a half intelligent human can listen to or watch. And you’ve got to give it to BBC, they create excellent content.
Relax Uncle Tom. Maina kageni learned that foolishness he talks about from your gods the British. He spent his youth in Britain before coming back to Kenya to unleash what he had learned in UK in our airwaves. UK is BBCs home.