Bayern Munich vs Real Madrid

What are your predictions?

Mi niko team CR7

Team James Rodriguez… He must punish them they misused him

Over 2.5




Bayern score first

Where can i stream this

The Nazis will take it

Kuna mtu iko na link ya streaming? Saidia
Try this and click away the annoying AD at the bottom of the screen. But you’ll need to keep refreshing once in a while since its a Twitch stream.

I told you Bayern 1 madrid 0

Asante sana boss


how do i get rid of that toot sound?

Marcelo ameeka bao ingine moto sana

Over 2.5

Ndio hio…

Bayern are rather slow.

Vile mambo inaonekana final itakuwa Liverpool vs Real Madrid ambapo Liverpool itashinda 3-1