Like father, like son.
By 2027, populace will be so tired of his empty promises, another Trump is a no.
Tulia democrat mpangwe.
Wanitwa DemoCRAP
Umesema It’s sexually transmitted ehh
Strong and dominant leadership genes are sexually transmitted. Kenyatta 1 & 2, Bush 1 & 2, Khama 1 & 2 etc.
In a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being worst and 10 being best, how do you rate Joe Biden Presidency ?
2034 tuko NYUMA ya musito Hunter Biden,
He saved the country from a huge Trump blunder. I give him 7.5.
Anaruka na hata wiki haijaisha.
In fact, if there’s a fucked up party in world politics it’s the democrats. They’ve invested too much time and money into lgbtq, climate change, pronouns and attacking Trump that normal people can’t take their policies seriously any more.
Honestly ! ! ! ?
Economy is strong. Unemployment lowest in 30 years. What more did you want.