Barcelona and messi part ways


Taaamu kama sunguch youth

Man city wakimchukua, epl should be disbanded. Not fair at all

Barcelona is broke. They cannot afford to pay mesi. Coronachieth has destroyed global sports. There’re no sponsors, no fans, no thing. It’ll be felt fo years. Children six to eight years have missed out on that first stadium visit where kids develop a passion for the game. A whole generation is growing up without experiencing the thrill of football, which develops a lifetime interest. It’s now just a bunch of random men on an empty field kicking a ball randomly for two hours. Impossible to sustain interest or imagination in the uninitiated.

Sasa Aguero alienda Barca “to play alongside Messi”…let that sink in.

Some good may come out of this.
Depressed earnings and revenues MAY just even out the budgets of clubs across all sports…thus the managers and players wage variance is very significantly reduced…now imagine a team in the bottom quarter of the log able to compete for players and managers with top quarter teams…put pedigree and history to the side for a moment…is this too far fetched?

No it’s not. Most of those well played players don’t stash the money they get. It goes to foundations that sponsor youth sports all over the world. Giant clubs spend millions every year sponsoring youth tournaments and providing facilities and training clinics for coaches, staff, and more. The global football industry is huge and requires a lot of funds to operate smoothly. Less money is bad for everyone.

Free agent?
According to CNN Sport he can only be afforded by two clubs;
Manchester city
If he goes to Man City, Harry Kane may be thrown under ze bus.

kwani kane ameishia city?

They are looking to buy him but the question is, can they afford to pay him and the great Messi?

Man City have already spent 100 million pounds to buy Graelish.

psg it is

Just imagine Graelish, Messi and Kane in one team…

I don’t think Man City can afford Graelish, Kane and Messi in the same team.

Messi is going nowhere, this is just a power play from barca to force la liga to re-adjust salary cap so they can register him.Messi is too important to la liga and Barca to just leave like that

The whole story is a major breaking news on international media houses.
Ame left.

Barcelona is broke.
Kama wameshinda ku-afford salary ya Messi na alikuwa amepunguza wage.

Empty threats. Watarudiana tu

I actually think the same. The league losses big time. I think there will be demos tommorow because of this announcement

No, hii ni tactics to pressure la liga to increase the salary cap so they can register him. The issue is not between barca and messi, since he has already agreed a five years contract just few weeks ago . And i think la liga will cave in since they can’t afford to lose all those revenues