Bantus come from Israel

New perspective

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There are some very intelligent blacks in America who are dedicated to research of their origins and they can really do some good job of looking for their origins. But this one seems too farfetched. And what is the fascination with almost everyone wanting to associate with those murderers?

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Black Americans aren’t Bantus they are Niger Kordofians. Huyo mwanamke hajijui


Oh shiet, I posted something on those lines earlier on today. Mine was based on church of scientology, she broadened the topic by quoting the script. Penda yeye sana

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Of course the Gikuyus kina @wanaruona ni Levants (Jews)
The Akorino who follow the old traditions of the scared tree, Mugumo to be specific, leave alone kina pastor ng’ang’a, profess in the same lines that jews do. It’s not a copy paste kind of culture and belief from the bible, for the naysayers but has been their heritage ever since and predates colonization. The same cannot be said of the legio maria, which has similar ideologies but is a way younger cult and is well documented.

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Huoni ni kikisii

Sisi wakisii tulitoka Yurop


so if humans have one ancestor what makes coming from israel something special? the species is a virus upon the planet with delusions of superiority to everything, if it were up to me the human species would be exterminated

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Bonoboism on steroids :joy: Ethiopia is a Greek slur meaning burnt face. Huyo ako jaba mbaya

Jaluo, iyo hasira kanyagia kwa mfuko. These folks use stone flints for circumcision, a topic you wouldn’t want us to discuss in public.

a retard convinces himself cutting his own meat brings him closer to god and makes him a man :rofl: :rofl: you sound retarded.

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Actually, Niger-Kordofanian is just another term for Niger-Congo, of which the Bantu are part.

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But hii upuzi wanatoa wapi surely? Bantus come from the Nigeria-Cameroon area. Even a form 2 student knows this.

Their relatives are in West Africa and the Afro diaspora. Descendants of slaves. Accept and move on. Israel :joy:

@Josto_Bwaku anakuanga down kushinda shonde ya jana

Na wajaluo mtahiri sasa. Mnasumbua

naskiaga mnatolewa kwa nyumba na wanaume wameva loin cloth alafu mnapanga laini mkiangaliana matako na kupimana mjuls hadi mkatwe… so forgive us for not joining your homosexual shenanigans desguised as ritual.

Fika clinic utahiriwe, ask for a beautiful Nurse to do it.

nikienda clinic khupipi yako ule nurse would probably suck my uncut black pole :rofl: lakini naogopa meno yake brown itanipa rabbies or jiggers :rofl: okuyu women wanaonaga hiyo kitu wanamwaga maji on the spot… hako ka mutilation kako ndo maana umekasirika jaruo hivo

I’ll deal with your mother in the bedroom tonight, for now, do what you have to do.