I have just discovered a ground breaking earth shattering primordial to regenerate aging scrotal functions. See, most mornings, I wake up at 5:45, walk outside, let the chicken out, survey the compound then walk back to my chambers to read a book, or scroll the net while watching the happening s of the previous night on the aged LG near the door. I fear dengue fever, so I jump under the net to avoid the mosquitoes.
Presently, a knock on the door and incomes the familiar face with my Tea Pot. I pour myself a cup and bring the cup to bed. As I sip, I mostly wonder what would be my morning ritual was I to be living with my wife. Seing the same face next to me every morning would drive me nuts. The occasional vissit for her and my weekend home are enough for me. I adore my loneliness.
So back to my Eureka. I many years back I visited a sibling in the Orient, and on the third day we went to visit a Monastery high in the mountain. One of the monks lectured us on the use of some special stones that had the power to keep the balls strong. The stones, pitch black, would be put in a boiling pot for ten minutes, and become very hot to touch. But when the stones were wrapped around your balls, you never felt the heat. I found the stones very curious. But back then, I was a young man, and the function of my apparatus were in no need for sprucing.
But am now an old man. As I was sipping my tea coasting the cup on my belly and barely standing the heat, I remember the monk and the procedure. I moved the cup to the balls, and guess what…, the balls could not detect the hot cup of tea. Whaaaaat. I refilled the cup and coasted it on the balls. Nothing. But the thighs would get very hot.
This therapeutic disvovery that proves that balls gives no rats ass how hot a woman is, is, especially coming on the eve of The monkey Traders Eigth presidential loss , has some very far reaching remafication…it is safe to say that despite everything, balls, are very poor conductors of heat. All you nutcases have a drunken weekend
dead :D:D:D
boss, you just made my day, ati you woke up at 5AM to massage your balls with a hot cup of tea :D:D:D:D
just make sure you don’t get startled and spill some of the hot stuff on your groin, otherwise the next thing you read will go like “what this old man did with a cup of tea will shock you”
hehehe what?
Its high time you get a life before you die old man
stroke of genius…
this villager always cracks me…you should open a Balls Resuscitation & Massage Parlour(with special skills from the monks :D:D)
Hehehehe hii nitajaribu kesho asubuhi
Btw, when did I become an elder
[SIZE=7]boss,your mosquito net iko na mashimo,nunua ingine mpya.[/SIZE][SIZE=1]i think uko ndengu fifa already[/SIZE]
OK, an older man once told me heat should never come near the Scrotum. Heat kills sperms, so he said.
The TMT had to be dragged in somewhere. isorait.
Now, the Son of the Patriach, why would you want to roast your balls? Are they failing like The Rt. honorable @Mundu Mulosi 's?
:D:D:D Shait.
Heat resistant rogue balls (HRRB).
Please bro, tafadhari, I beg, let this not know your crayons. Piliiiis bro
Crazy inspector Kabeach :D:D:D:D
I shall not depict this. I am a man of my word…
(Shait, who am I kidding?)
@introvert , this is content for gunia wiki hii
My spirit will haunt you for generations if you dare
Sasa wewe ni kuchochea hii wizard. His fate you will share. Haunting you lazima
Mkarara, usiletee hayo mambo hapa.