Do you guys outsource for lanyes and kungurus on these online brothels sometimes.
Please join the best dating site in Kenya:-
Unataka kujua ndio…
@Unataka kujua ili?
hii yote ni @kelele tu
Define “online brothels”…
Uliza kunguni mwenzako @under23
ukitaka ya bure
1 out of 1000 will meet ur standards
just some horny chic with issues… (not a prostitute)
to save on time. tumia credits kumatch new people. and only login hapo prime time “9.p.m”
otherwise utawaste time yako yote ukitafuta coomer mchana wenzako wakinunua plot pale pangani
Tulihamia Tagged, Eskimi na Waplog
eskimi ni takataka
waplog i am yet to find a catch.
alafu its hard to use
KUNGURUS are using this site to make money out of men currently because some will talk nicely and ask for fare and that will mark the end of your conversation