Bado Wanapatikana Kichaka

Hii kunguru imebleki two days kwa kichaka pale vasha. Leo ndio imepatikana barely alive and breathing. Hoes gone be hoes. Click the link to see the video


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Umekuja na Subaru unarudi na wheelbarrow

Sasa na sisi wenye we’re not of MKZ inakuwaje hatuwezi ona

Usilie sana kababa


Malisa hio Mbweha please.

Seen the video hehehehehe… Some dude is suggesting apelekwe car wash, seems they are serious about car washing her :D:D:D:D

hio wasee wangeficha kwa room mahali washerehekee wakiipea chakula for one week

You are one sick psychopath.

It’s always the men that goes to rescue.

Hehe…Peleka yeye carwash


The sexual assault she has endured is unspeakable

Two days lying unconscious in the bush!? She’s lucky to be still alive. Drinking ladies, this had better scare the hell out of y’all.

May be the washroom for the 2 days she was unconscious in the jungle was her inner garments so the best option is pressure wash to avoid contact.

:D:D courtesy of Ruto.
Who knew those contraptions would come in handy ?

Drinking like there’s no tomorrow is the problem.