Bills za hospital ndio zinaeleweka. Kuna a friend alikuwa amenizoea anajua hawezi omba soo mbili nimtumie soo mbili. Ntatuma two k. Sikuhizi I ignore him.
Lightskin age imecatch up ukakubaki sasa unaanza kujiita uncle. You realize under 30s kwa hii platform ni watu wawili au tatu mshenzi @tall mnyama everywhere na girlfriend yake @Mzee mjinga ?
For example, those bachelors helping married men, if that man has to choose between buying a mountain bike for his kid and loaning the bachelor money e.g after he lost his job, he will choose his kid’s bike every time.
Many bachelors don’t understand the dynamics when dealing with married men.
It is a predatory friendship most of the time to the bachelor’s disadvantage.
If you are a young bachelor doughing up, don’t roll with broke married men. Key word - broke.
Jana na leo bonobo zimepost threads about kutombewa bibi :D:D
Leo MORNING una ghasia ingine cant remember the handle, @Azor Ahai alikuwa ameiadvice iende marriage counseling… Wife anasema hawes tambua upus marriage anniversary…