Babu The Bully

Justice Sergon didn’t mince words. Babu has this habit of invading personal space and taunting, like a Std. 2 kid.

He should not have used that tactic on the Returning Officer.

“Ili iwe funzo kwake na kwa wengine” is the only language this guy should be forced to understand!


"My father was born in the typical Luo polygamous homestead. Growing up, we did not have much. In class three, I remember a conversation my Dad had with some of his brothers. Because he was the poorest among them they told him that wabiro neno kaka ibiro puonjo nyithindi. Magi biro mana kwa chiaye e kor pap (We’ll see how you’ll educate your children. All of them will be looking after our goats). My father always ensured that I tagged along during family meetings. He was never given room to talk. His suggestions were always dismissed because he had no stable source of income.

And so I grew up in a set-up where my family appeared excommunicated. I attended a village Primary School where teachers would make fun of how unfortunate we were. I grew up with a lot of bitterness. As the first born my father reminded me that it was my responsibility to save the face of the family. The only way I could do that was to study. And not just learn curriculum materials. I had to learn how to speak good English. I had to learn how to dress. I had to build my self-esteem up.

Two days ago, I was to meet a good friend. So I gave her a call and asked where she wanted us to meet. Then she says you’re Innocent Ngare and it’s very obvious we’re doing Hilton. I said well and good. So we meet and we’re having tea and croissants at Café American. The first thing she asked was which position my father had in government; whether I studied out of the country (from how I speak I suppose). So I tell her that nobody knows my father’s name even in my village. That I went to Kokuro Primary School, sat on stones until class six, managed to score 410 marks; couldn’t raise money to join Nairobi School; ended up in Kanyawanga Secondary. Beat the odds and scored an A; and now in Law School. She still thinks I’m just being humble.
When my sister sat her KCPE and was admitted to Ngara Girls, I have aunties who wanted her to look after their babies because they thought there was no way she would pursue her secondary school education because we had no money. But there is this person called Jesus. What a wonderful Man. When the KCSE results were released and my Sister had a B+; I remember my father cried like a baby. The Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation offered me a scholarship to Eastern Europe which I turned down because I wanted to be around my family. I wanted to cry with them and laugh with them.

People sometimes ask me where I get the drive. This is just the beginning. God has been good. Honestly speaking, I’m in Law School, my sister is joining UoN in January. Tony is in Homa-Bay High School and top of his class. Christine will be sitting her KCPE next year. We don’t know how God has done it. I don’t know how Jesus did it.

My father has 19 brothers. Some of whom had concluded that we would be looking after goats in the fields. When I look at their children (dropped out of school, got pregnant, hopeless alcoholics) I don’t even know what to say. There is this Mercedes that I drive. Whenever I’m in that car and I look back, I lift up my hands and say thank you Jesus. For this far you have brought us, and we have seen your faithfulness. Surely you are faithful to complete that which you had started. Jesus… That’s my boss…"

Vijana tibim.

hii hekaya yako haina kichwa wala mkia

My question is , why waste time with the recount ?

It wasnt time wasting. That proved that the process wasnt above board. There was a difference in what was declared in August and the recount

Babu Owino will be rigged out. Mark this reply.

The recount was requested for in an interlocutory Application by Muriithi. The Application had met the legal threshold. That is why it was granted. The law must be followed. Even if it is seen as time wastage.

But Muriithi’s petition had other final prayers, which included nullification of his election. Courts will nullify an election if the petitioner can prove that there were electoral offences that are so grave that they can be said to subvert the will of the people.

Nipe summary please.

Till he learns to humble himself. Anaweza pia shikwa juu ya ile pesa amecon watu!

There is a curse that comes along with disrespecting elders.

niaje mum

Shithole country…a countrys politics thats based on ukabila is a shithole country.

Question. So who is the offender? IEBC or Babu? And if its not Babu, why does he get fined?

He has certainly come a long way, no short cuts just hard work.

However, his conduct are mannerism are not refined and that will be his downfall, one cannot really blame him, he grew up with a lot of bitterness, the adults both at the family homestead and school were not very kind, the suppressed underlying angry is expressed through political platform, I guess misdirected anger. Perhaps it is much better to guide and mentor him than punish and destroy him.

Two things:-

  1. The general principle in litigation is that “costs follow the event”. If you lose a case, you will have to bear the attendant legal costs unless the court specifically orders each party to bear its own costs. I have not read the judgement and confirmed whether he was found guilty of an electoral offence or not. But if I were to rationalise it quite simply, Babu lost so… he…must bear the costs!

  2. I do not like claims by the media that losers of election petitions are fined. They are not correct. The Court usually directs the loser to bear costs [remember the explanation in item 1?]. Now, in previous petitions, legal costs alone have been known to run to more than 40M per party. Imagine if you have sued three people and you lose. These days, Courts, in their wisdom or lack thereof, are actually stating the maximum amounts of legal costs that the victorious parties are entitled to. They are not imposing fines!

Babu can learn some humility. If he didn’t stand on the podium and say the things he said he wouldn’t be here, looking at life outside politics. Personal attacks are never ever warranted.
He’s going to pay 5M then pay his lawyer maybe 2M then pay his campaign debts maybe 5M. And since he chose to insult the government leaders, any illegal moneymaking schemes he has must stop or he will end up like Alfred Keter.
He should ask Joho what happened when the hammer dropped on him. His car import agencies were shut down and powder ventures were severely restricted. If it wasn’t for county funds he would be totally broke.

It’s Babu the askari-terrorizer feigning deep humility, humble beginnings and fear if God.

Please, comrades, the story is about Innocent Ngare a blogger.

Babu’s case is different. So please do not mostake the story about humble beginnings with Babu’s story.

The owner of the post would do justice by creating a different thread for the two. It will ensure focused debate.