Baboon Chronicles :The case of Young Thug

Yaani you have a good music career but you still want to be a gangsta. Putting out hits on your fellow baboons. This is the blackistan monkey zoo y’all. Nikiwambia junguu is the only solution you get Madd at me but sincerely speaking do you know any white musicians or even Hispanic ones who are gangstas.

Black men wamenishinda, these chimpanzees just want to self destruct. Whether it’s in Africa, Haiti or the black hoods of America. Are these the toxic genes black women should propagate? Pure insanity? Self destructive tenancies? So the guy could have had a great life out the ills of the ghetto hood through his music career but nah who needs a good life when they can get killed in gang wars or kill and do hard time. It’s a no Brainer when you are a retarded chimpanzee. I don’t know how black women are able to procreate with these monkeys. I can’t. For the life of me I can’t understand especially when these women live in a majority white country. First you get out of the blackistan zoo. Two you procreate with the white man. Like just ferking get out of this mess. This is the story of Young Thug, could be in jail for life yet he could have gotten out the hood and had a great music career and left the chimpanzee madness in the hood behind but nah his inferior genes won’t let him prosper. Can you see what I always tell you, hizi nugu ziko na kasoro. They’re not normal. Just save your posterity by getting as far away from this mess as you can. Zaa na wazungu. Give your posterity a fighting chance. Don’t give them inferior, self hating, self destructive genes.

This are the consequences, let them call you an uncle Tom but get your posterity as far away from this as possible otherwise you might as well never have had children if you stay in the blackistan zoo.

The condition of the black life is one of mourning. Get as far away from it as you humanly can. Stop propagating messed up genes. Go white. Then you have a fighting chance.