Azziad begging live on tikitoko

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Too bad she is talking when americunts have gone.

Sio poa kuanika msee when they are asking for help lakini hawa “celebs” pia wako na ufala


Ive not seen anything special about azziad. Average.

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Wacha bangi boss, iyo mali ni safi, 8/10.

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Type yangu ni such body type…ni nadra sana. See the big difference to understand where I’m coming from. Different taste…your 8/10 inaeza kuwa average kwangu, na my 8/10 inaweza kuwa average kwako ama namna gani.

Dem kama sio light skin I rate her average. See?

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I think we need to look at things in the context of Kenya. Ofcos tukianza kum compare na wazungu she will come out average or even below. However, amongst Kenyan women she is among the very best.

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In fact who is a 10/10 Kenyan woman in your opinion?

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My goodness. She’s not!

My wife, believe it or not.



Achukue room Roysambu auzie peasants coomer 5K shot moja aone wakipanga line.

Mimi na @cortedivoire tutangoja size 150.

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How does she do that without looking like an ordinary lanye?

She is young, she will bounce back

Can’t wait pale calabash ni rushe keg black before niingie mkia na 150

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Who cares? Kama anapenda pesa achangamke.