@shocks whats happening to this project naona KOT wana # stopAvicBuilding

KOT wana upuzi.

Sielewi, naona cefek kenya is leading the charge, nashangaa who has poured money

ama ni kempinski wanajaribu kuzuia competition

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Why Kenyans need to rally behind #StopAvicBuilding

We have learned with disbelief that Government agencies and Nairobi City County have hurriedly given a nod to Kenya’s tallest building on the narrow Chiromo Lane, Westlands, Nairobi without due process of the law and public interest thresholds.

While we laud the proposed 43-storey Avic International Africa headquarters and an adjacent 35-storey hotel tower being key investments and employment opportunities they guarantee, we are concerned at the shadowy and covert approval processes by various Government agencies.

Avic International Real Estate Kenya Ltd received Nairobi City County conditional approval on June 11, 2015 for its’ plan No. CPF-AI-212 for the proposed “domestic building – proposed mixed development offices, residential, hotel and commercial”. Of the 18 conditions, there is no evidence Avic International Real Estate Kenya Ltd has complied with more than ninety per cent of the requirements. Yet the construction is going on.

The record time amalgamation process of plot numbers L.R 209/73/1, 75/1, 73/6, 73/3, 74/4 and 76/6 including public roads – by the Nairobi City County raises fundamental questions – including but not limited to an affront on the constitutional bill of rights.
Total disregard of the approved heights, as per existing Westlands Zonal building controls, makes nonsense of the need to plan our capital city.

The failure of the National Land Commission involvement is a mystery to public interest. The non-objection from the National Construction Authority (NCA) raises even more critical questions.

Westlands being an earthquake prone, it is not clear whether an independent geological stability assessment has been made to ascertain whether it will carry the proposed heights of both the commercial building and hotel.

The change of user from residential to commercial processes within Nairobi City County do not take the short time purported to have taken on Avic International Real Estate Kenya Ltd application. This is a pointer to an unexplained efficiency and or negative interest by the County Government.

Although the Environment Impact Assessment notice ran in the Kenya Gazette, National Environment Management Authority’s license No. NEMA/EIA/PSL/2038 of July 15, 2015 appears a fraud on the public interest considering the numerous environmental and health challenges the mega-development poses.

The “no-objection” dated July 2, 2015 from then Acting Kenya Urban Roads Authority Director General and current Kenya National Highways Authority Director General Eng Peter Mundinia is worrying, to say the least. This is because the development, during and post-construction poses high traffic and storm water management challenges.

Already, the high traffic of heavy machineries turning into Chiromo Road is unbearable. This is as the project owners have applied to NEMA to extend the construction working hours to a 24-hour basis,

On security, the would-be Naiorbi’s tallest building proximity to the seat of power (State House and other important security installations) poses a real security threat as the needed privacy within and around State House would not be guaranteed especially with an easy viewpoint and or assault launch point provided by the building.

From the foregoing, our demands are that;

First, Cabinet Secretaries in charge of Land, Environment and Interior urgently review the building approvals and demand compliance to legal thrsholds.

Two, a moratorium on the development is imposed immediately with a view to revisiting all the approvals which have a clear making of scandals.

Three, that public participation and other fundamental rights be exercised while reviewing the approvals and surveillance to ensure compliance to the conditions of respective agency approvals.

Failure to heed our call within 14 days, we may move to Court praying for a stop to the development until the due process of law and public interest thresholds are met and maintained.


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hao watu wakubali compe :D:D market can accommodate other players :rolleyes:

Did they hire babu owino to churn out that charge sheet, its full of non sensical inferences, this is bullshit. Either kempinski is playing hard ball or a politician some where wants his cut by all means necessary.

“Westlands being an earthquake prone…”

“Total disregard of the approved heights, as per existing Westlands Zonal building controls…”





Ati Westi ni earthquake prone area? Am not an expert lakini hii nimekataa

Upus. Cofek and these KOT busybodies are under someone’s payroll though I agree with their argument about the adjacent narrow road. Lakini, that’s not enough to stop the project.

Kwani Kenya kila kitu mpaka watu wapi ge Kelele , SGR, NYS… it will be the tallest building, mnataka ploti itoke Wapi?

bure kabisa! so because there are allwged drainage issues we halt the construction without asking what mitigation/correctional measures are embedded in the plan? it is clear cofek has not seen the building plans. that is a huge FDI and papers are processed extra first. the beef should be why the speedy processing isn’t the standard. yaani hawa watu wanataka mambo iende polepole?

Its like they recruited babu owino to write it

wametumwa na villa rosa kempinski.