[SIZE=5]I would like to know the Scientific Basis of this Study and how exactly this reseach was carried out …
NEVER belive everything that you read on the Web … [/SIZE]:D:D
Infact it’s very difficult to come out with correct data in this research, but just imagine kwa kenya madem zetu wanabikiriwa na age gan personally nafikir wakiwa less than 13!
Not to mention culture could play a role in answers being given. People in sexually liberating cultures like the West might lie they had sex earlier because it’s cool. People in more conservative regions even if they had earlier might say later ndio wakae watu wazuri
Not really. Especially if they told them it’s anonymous they wouldn’t need to. However people still tend to lie even if it’s anonymous. Same way if you ask a girl what she looks for in a man she might say personality, loyalty and other bullshit to make her seem like a nice person. If you do a study on penis size, you’ll get very different values when it’s the men self-reporting vs when it’s a scientist measuring them. So pia hii study gap ya Malaysia na Iceland might be closer than study indicates