avant scam beware


Hapo sawa. Fools must never be allowed to hold money.

Unbelievable how people never learn.

Machozi loading.

Wanafaa viboko kali hapi DCI HQ wakifika hapo one day…tears of joy!!


Mtu anipe a heads up about hii

how much are they promising per month and is there referral earning

Yes their is a referral earning,they promise payments from as early as after 24 hrs- 20% of the minimum deposit of 40usd.

This is not realistically possible 20% per day return is too high ,they will pay existing investors with money from new investors once they ran out of new investors it will collapse.

I believe that we should create special courses which will teach people how to determine scam and avoid it. Well, sometimes it isn’t clear as you might think, nevertheless there are some tips which can help us to get rid of scam and never pay attention to it. In my opinion, if we see that there is something for what we should pay money, then it’s the first sign of a scam. You need to explore thoroughly this website and this company, read reviews about its work and so on so forth. However, often, trustworthy companies can be considered as a scam by mistake. It’s okay, just practice and everything will be cool.

Greed. The pathway to poverty

There is no shortcut to success , everyone has to follow the" stairs" .

Spot on. This is a PONZI SCHEME.

Ponzi” schemes promise high financial returns or dividends not available through traditional investments. Instead of investing the funds of victims, however, the con artist pays “dividends” to initial investors using the funds of subsequent investors.