Aussie Kenyans Huduma Version Launched.

Kenyans in Melbourne went out in big numbers to register for the Huduma Namba which loosely equates to the Australian Tax File Number or something we’re still not being told!


Anyway, it was awesome seeing all the many different Kenyans from the beautiful Multi-Cultural Kenya come together and just enjoy being ONE as Kenyans. The length of the queues were absolutely shockers. Apparently, Thursday being day one was quite a breeze with queues getting cleared in just a few hours. Then came Friday and the queues went up to past midnight! Saturday saw another jam-packed session that reportedly got cleared at 1 a.m! Sunday was the final day and the Kenyans did not disappoint with our characteristic last-minute rush to beat deadlines. Pictured is just half of the queue by 10 p.m with an equal number waiting outside this room. Some Kenyans including myself volunteered and managed to get a system of numbers going, ensure no queue jumping and helped bring order and decorum which worked perfectly well to clear the serious backlog that had built up. There was only 3 staff from Kenya who will be going around Australia making things quite painful. However, everyone went home happy by 3 a.m having got the much-touted Huduma Namba. Meeting so many Kenyans was tremendously fulfilling! Kenya Hoyeee!

There is no ‘Huduma number’ yet, just a waiting slip showing stuff you already know, such as ID or passport.

Now since i can comment!

Unasiadia serikali kwanini na hao wanalipwa per diem? Do you even know what the ouduma number is for?

Anyway, mbona hujawai leta picha za australia pia sisi tubambike, ama ata hekaya, ya kwanza unaleta ni ya ouduma number yaani…tsk

Kenyans wherever wako, are just piece of shiit…while diaspora like Ethiopians and sudans played a very big part in bringing changes,kenya diaspora meanhile wanapanga line kuchukua huduma no…slavery mentality

Dude I was waiting for you ukujie pikcha za Melbourne. Why do you like mbishas that much? ni hobby ama?

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