Kazi ya AU lakini ni gani? Coups are happening all over na wao the only thing they would say is " we strongly condemn the coup in country X" so what? Na maybe “kick out” the said country from the Union which has ZERO EFFECT anyway. A civil war is happening in the backyard of their own headquarters na wamenyamaza tu. I think it’s high time that stupid body to be disbanded and Africans to revert back to their original civilizational states spanning across the artificial British borders.
Same na UN. They both do dick in keeping things secured
AU has no authority over sovereign states so there is nothing they can do. Plus external interference could make the situation worse kama kule Afghanistan.
France is screwing some West African countries bila lube and AU is just watching and wanking.
Why is it up and running then. Useless organization. Tbh mimi if I make it to KE elites, I would make sure we withdraw from it.
Atleast UN iko na some influence because of Uncle Sam anchorage. AU is literally toothless, non influential, defunct, stupid and has no purpose at all.
Look at it this way; the more our neighbors get fucked up the better for us. Multi-national companies and NGO’s operating in this countries are relocating their offices to Nairobi. That’s gotta be good for us … right.
A divided chaotic Africa is harmful and useless to ALL Africans. Think brother
Lol it’s the big boys in the government who benefit. The average Kenyan doesn’t benefit in any way from the presence of such multinationals.
Trickle down effect as to be their. Job creation, foreign currency n what not…
I suppose so …
UN is a very vital body without which the world would be a much shittier place to be as far as im concerned.
Do away with the UN and also forget about UNICEF IMF UNDP WHO UNSC
UNEP WFP IFAD WORLD BANK etc…yup all these and many others are UN AGENCIES.
All the UN needs is teeth and full support from us all + a vibrant and impartial I.C.C. and things will change for the better.
Weapons must be sold and tested ,kama sio middle east , Africa it is.
Does AU mandates involve interfering internal bilateral agreements? Or did those West African nations ask for AU helps against France?
That is open for debate but it does not make it right…what France is doing goes against the objectives of the OAU.
Only in places where interests are concerned. Ile narrative unapatiwa ya UN might be wrong…atleast they help in relocating refugees and air dropping food
Kweli AU is a joke of an organization yaani hadi HQ yao walijengewa kaa msaada na China and handed over fully built after properly bugging the entire building so hakuna secrets zetu hawajui.
Maybe the idea of countries is obsolete in a globalized world. We could just do away with nation states and let a super body like UN run the show aided by AI and technology to bring all 8 billion people under 1 government.
Already in the states they talking about a universal basic income paid for by taxing corporations. This will bring true equality in the world and help low IQ societies such ad ours to be held up to a higher standard. This can only be good for everyone, nay?