Hizi ni vitisho baridi ama it’s reality? And what’s the definition of malaya? Juu kama dame yako anagawa nje pia anaeza kuwa malaya na hujui. Or does the line start kwa danguro?
I need answers juu next week nadai kuenda spree.
Anza Kwanza alafu give us updates after six months. Keep a good record of your finances on a monthly basis. Naona nimepata case study hapa. Tutafanya analysis and conclude.
Wajinga ndio wali wao…huyu jamaa hajui anaeza kufa anytime in the hands of a stranger/kuibiwa/kuekewa Mchele/kushikiwa kamuti(which he’s already been juu anawatetea)/btw SJ Kuna rooms wanarecord so usishangae ukitrend social media/soul ties/ STIs kama herpes na HPV which causes cancer are spread through body contact so CD haitakusaidia…yaani wewe jamaa ni fala
Sawa. I will keep you all posted. Naanza na hawa wa massage tao. Next week nitakuwa na hekaya.
Malaya ataniua aje na ni doggy ya 10 mins max? Kwani naenda Iraq??
I tell people the curses related to prostitution but wanaona ni mzaha. Jamaa want to try let him do it. He will confirm what I say. And I will have supportive evidence. It is a sin.
What if I am not a Christian? Ama whatchu mean by sin?
I have records for the last one year…
it is a financial pit indeed
Enlighten us kidogo? Yaani afadhali mtu anyonge? ama hiyo pia ni sin @Yuletapeli
Kwani umemaliza high school jana…
First you need to understand that sex is sacred. When you sleep with a woman, you not only share your body but also your soul and spirit. You become one.
A prostitute sleeps with different men…She shares her body soul and spirit with them.
Ndio mwanamke afikie kujiuza to survive, she’s gone through a lot. Anasumbuliwa na the spirit of poverty…Then jamaa anaenda anamkula…They exchange… spirits. Jamaa anachukua part of the whore…Hio umaskini inamfata. As time goes by whore anapata bahati ya mjamaa ya kupata doo… Mjamaa anasota… thats why most of the men who feast on whores are broke…Poor.
This is my opinion sio fact…
From what I’ve observed.
You lose a lot. Never pay for sex directly. You will suffer so many misfortunes. Job inaanzanga kuleta shida, if you are married… hamna peace of mind nyumbani. Reason… kuna so many souls kwa hio keja. Biz pia huanguka. Kwa ufupi a man is reduced to nothing. Ogopa malaya.
Again ntasema. This is my opinion and not a fact. Ni observation tu
Mtombwa wa kulipwa-malaya
Mtombwa tombwa-msherati
Get the difference
Kojoa ulale ngombe hii.
Tukitangaza our possessions utadhani we are politicians.
Malaya ata enzi za bibilia walikuwa
@PHARMACY mama yake ako 65 years na amekuwa akiuza kuma chafu for 50 years , alizaa @PHARMACY akiwa 16 years . could we say vile @PHARMACY ameishi na mama yake malaya for 50 years ndio maana ni maskini illiterate homosexual ?
Kojoeni mlale bana. Eti soul ties. Bullshit. Scientists in the group please, someone enlighten us on the scientific method.
Stop overthinking bana
Fiction na hadithi za abunwasi,kula lanye and make sure umesample aina zote.Tall,short,thin, thick, round, yellow yellow,dark,kienyeji, broiler,mzungu,muindi,mchinku etc…
Ni Kama mama ya @uwesmake nde ,coomer ni kubwa mpaka anasoak na blanket .yaani hio coomer chafu kubwa haiwezi ata toka 50 bob .ukimwi nalaana .hizi Malaya mbili zinafaa kukufa .