Atheists, gays, vegetarians.. all bloody same.

Manny, a boxer who donates millions to the poor, is being castigated for giving his controversial opinion on gay couples. That’s his opinion and everyone is entitled to it. Regardless of which side of the debate you’re on. Telling someone else that they’re not allowed to disagree with you, whilst you apparently still have the right to disagree with another’s opinions is hypocrisy!
I dont hate on gay couple but their bigotry stinks.

They have ruined lives for other families. In this case,
,a cake shop owned by christians refused a lesbian couple services. The couple went and sued them citing mental and emotional torture, the bakery owners were ordered to pay the couple $135,000. It’s my damn shop and sell to whoever I want. Same thing happened to a pizza shop owner.
Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Wait till same sex marriage is legalised in Kenya. Hata ukiwaangalia watakupeleka kortini kuwa umewaangalia na jicho la ubaguzi na kutaka walipwe millions. In Arab world, they are thrown off rooftops of tall buildings.

I wont hate you for being an atheist but the constant need to bash christianity and quoting verses from the bible makes you a deranged lunatic. Actually, most of them wamechambua the bible more than christians have. Wouldnt it be easier to keep the atheism to yourself?? Vegetarians, feminists and (in a way) overweight people are no different.
Kwanza fat people complaining of bullying, discrimination and calling for acceptance on social media! Why dont you lazy twats exercise and eat right? Ukicomplain mbele yangu nitakuchapa kofi.

and where do you place propagandists who foment hate against entire communities?


wewe kwanza ni tribalist na uko na negative stereotyping of guys, wewe mtu akiside na g.o.k hauoni pia anafaa kua na a different opinion wewe unassume that ametoka a specific region


One funny or curious thing I’ve noticed is that most groups are against the Christian faith. Mbona atheists huwa hawacriticize waIslamu na waHindi wenye wako na gods ka mita

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Add tribal bigots in that list. Or will it be too personal?


and what have vegetarians done?

Terrorists are better that LBGTs
It’s good to bully somebody who’s different from you.
It’s ok to sell alcohol to kids since it’s my shop.

This fucking punk wants us to embrace his way of thinking. I think so I am. Do whatever you can’t do about it. However, on one account we agree: NO HOMO!