
I know for a fact that people are different and one is at liberty to believe in whatever makes sense to oneself as long as it doesn’t interfere with the basic rights of anyone. I am not judging but I’d like to understand/hear the atheists side of the story. Why do you believe in non-existence of a supreme being, what attracted you to this school of thought and what do you believe in (chance, fate, luck…) and why?

You tell me how the popes blessings(a kiss maybe, after he has kissed several other babies) will block diseases from a 28 day old baby.


I do not know, but that is what the parents believe in, I personally do not believe in it but they do. I can’t judge them

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The key word ,Its doesn’t matter whateva one believe in.

Just believe

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I dont believe in anything. Everything to me is supported by evidence and logic. There is no space for belief.



What evidences and logic do you have to prove that a God doesn’t exist? Saying God is imaginary doesn’t qualify as evidence.


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Funny thing about atheists, the evidence they give when denying the existence of God, is posting memes that bash religion as evidenced by @chuka above. We live in a universe whose design is so perfect and balanced, the probability of it coming into existence by chance is very low… Someone/something must have created it, you don’t have to believe in any religion to realise that, unless one’s a special kind of stupid.

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Very many people have tried your argument. It is a simplistic and easy approach. A very modern attempt is by Plantinga, but he lost that argument. I don’t want to return to Bertrand Russell’s argument of cosmic jar. But if I were to say to you, that there is a planet very far away where donkeys talk like men, would you be obliged to believe me because you cannot disprove my argument? The burden of proof that there is a god lies with you who presents the claim.

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Bro unamaanisha nini?

Your point is valid, I can prove that God exists using my holy book, let’s leave religion out of this, can you prove that God doesn’t exist or what can you say to convince me that God doesn’t exist?


Nonsense. Kwani hujasoma vile nimeandika?

Talking donkeys on another planet is a weak argument, I can read about Russells cosmic jar theory because I have access to the internet and stuff, now there’s the common man in the bunduz that believes in God how do you convince him in laymans language that God doesn’t exist? Will you give him memes to read or bash his religion? Coz that’s the approach many atheists on Ktalk take.

Actually, the talking donkeys argument isnt mine. It is elaborated in the internet by some other person who came before Russell. Even if you read Russell’s argument in wikipedia you will find the donkeys argument there.
I don’t put up memes. Although I may agree that some memes contain logical information. I give arguments. And for the layman, he can buy the argument or refuse to see and leave it. There is no point organizing an inquisition for believers or chopping off heads of believers. If I did so, I would have effectively turned my arguments into a religion. And there will always be some one religion or another. Even if you did away with Islam and Christianity, another clever guy/guys would just come with a theory and the poor and the oppressed will rejoice in it making it mainstream. After all Christianity and Islam are relatively new. There have been many religions before them and just like them, they were tools for control. So its time for Christianity and Islam, just one Era in history of the world.

But for once I’d like to hear or read of an atheist making his case without refering to Islam or Christianity.

We have to talk about it. We live in the same world. Niaje. Shida yenu ni kutajwa? Kutajwa haifai kuwa issue for anyone. Including non believers. I prefer using the word non believers because there is a brand of religion calling itself atheism whose main concern is gay sex and marriages and abortion.