
Atheism definitions:
-The lack of belief in the existence of deities.
-rejection of religious beliefs or spiritual beings.

A case for atheism:

  1. Financial savings- No self-imposed taxes in the name of tithe, offerings and donations or excessive spending in the name of celebrating religious traditions.
  2. Time savings- Valuable time is not wasted going to church sessions, keshas, fasting and praying or doing unpaid work for religious institutions.
  3. Freedom from fear- There are no endless worries and terrors about the eternal torment awaiting you should you fail to find your name in the book of life and instead end up in the lake of brimstone and fire.
  4. Freedom from harmful religious teachings- Some teachings are the basis for holy wars, destructions of artworks considered blaspemous etc
  5. Freedom from irrationality and delusions- Religions strongly discourage rational, critical thinking and can make people resentful and angry at science as it appears to always be on a collusion course with religion. This can lead to high levels of science illiteracy. People with mental sickness have been deprived of much needed medical attention as it is assumed they are suffering from demon possession and so forth. June Ruto recently claimed to have prayed for borehole water and made it safe for human consumptions. Such type of superstitious nonsense and delusions are the foundations upon which charlatan faith healers, prophets, fortune tellers, etc operate on to fleece desperate individuals.
  6. Freedom from controversial facts- Every religion has some “facts” included in their scared books that lead to controversy unless the person just gives up reasoning and accepts what the book has to say. Did Noah live 700+ years? Did Samson kill a lion with his bare hands? Do people come back from the dead?
  7. Freedom from violence- Atheists generally tend to be level headed and will not meet out violence to people with divergent views. Recent cases in Nigeria has reminded us just how vicious and extremely violent theists can be when defending their deities. Cases of people being accused of witchcraft and killed are still rife in Kenya.
  8. Freedom from abuse- our innocent daughters have been impregnated by pastors, wives stolen and eaten and small boys wamefunguliwa boot by catholic priests.

A case against atheism:

  1. Violence- atheists have been known to take aggressive measures in their quest to eradicate religion. For example in the soviet era a lot of priests were imprisoned and killed, churches shut down or burned down. Msito Xi as well amefinya Uighurs makende sana huko kwa reeducation camps. That said it is not entirely clear whether these acts of oppression can be fully blamed on atheism or they are the symptoms of communism/facism.
  2. Lack inspiration- Atheists lack inspiration to do good deed as they do not believe in rewards in the afterlife or even on earth. As such atheism can result in a highly individualistic society.
  3. Hopelessness- When you lose a loved one that’s it. You will never see them again and this can be a very depressing reality.
  4. Condemnation- Currently there are 13 countries where renunciation of religious beliefs or even blasphemy can earn you the death penalty. Most societies tend to be dominated by theists who consider atheists as evildoers incapable of feeling guilt or remorse or even doing the right thing. As such they shun them and this can lead to isolation for those who profess their lack of belief in god(s). This can result in a lot of stress.
  5. Arrogance associated with believing there is no higher power can lead to close-mindedness.
  6. Atheists have no holidays or festive seasons.
  7. Eternal punishment in hell should you be wrong about the existence of God.
  8. Atheism has not produced any outstanding cultural achievements. eg Christianity has a large collection of art, music and poetry associated with it.
  1. Violence - Religious Violence is more prevalent and more widespread than Atheism Violence. Xi Jinping was definitely right. Islam is a Pre-Messianic religion and Pre-Messianic religions are very very crude. For example, I can abuse @Christ the King and I would walk away without fear or anything close to that, but if I criticize p*do Mohammed, I would really have to watch my neck because those crudes would actively look for me.

2.Lack of inspiration - I struggle from this a lot.

  1. Hopelessness - Made peace with that

  2. Made peace with that too

  3. Art - Yeap, atheists just don’t see any reason to just make art because why should they? We are all dying anyway?

That’s my two cents @Stormtrooper98

:D:D muslims wanakuanga addicted to violence. Ukijaribu ku question religion ni panga ya kichwa unapata.

Atheists are self-deluded fools. Religious sycophants and fundamentalists are akin to psychotics.

Hao wasee ni wangori buana :smiley:


Are you doing a thesis. I would give you a D+

[SIZE=5]after seeing what theists have been upto in the past 2000 years , i would feel safer in a room full of Atheists… [/SIZE]


Atheists do make enjoy art and some like helping people

Art like what religious people have? Not really. Yeap I help people too

Hehe, that’s because you haven’t gone full circle in your search for a good religion–there’s none. That’s what atheists do, then they condemn God or deny him, because they are mad at religious people, and they equate God with religion.