Ask me Anything AMA


I know you niggas are very curious to know who @Charley Flani is.

In this regard, you’re free to ask me anything.

But first, a few pointers :

-Real name: Gabriel aka Gabz. Don’t bother asking for my social media; this is the only account I have - plus my Tinder account for ladies only.:wink:

-Age: 37 years old.

-Location: Tigoni, Kiambu.

-Occupation: procurement officer, NYS :smiley: Seriously… Analyst: Emerging Markets.

-Education: Lenana school, University of Nairobi Kabete Campus, London School of Economics and Political Science.

-Employer: None (Consultant).

-Previous employer: Hong Kong and Shanghai Global Investments, plc- (Canada Square Canary Wharf, London. Financial District, New York city & Collyer Quay, Singapore.

-Experience :
[li]Advisory.[/li][li]Research and analysis.[/li][li]Securities services.[/li][/ul]
-Marital Status: divorced.

OK, now you may fire away.

Economic Hitman?

Not really, just an analytical desk officer.

“Economic Hitmen” are usually found in the security services i.e intelligence agencies.

I thought you said youa re a ‘landed gentry’ in Cambridgeshire

In terms of location…I have a few tngs to ask.

Naona you analyze Kungurus too

Kabisa. Mwanaume ni yule yule.:wink:

Ask away, madam.

Actually that would be Woking, Surrey.

I’ll be back tomorrow to read all 100 comments. Goodnight people.

Ayia ya ya…@Bingwa si ungefungua saumu kwanza:D

In Surrey

Did your wife just pull you to bedroom.Goodnight…its cold out here

hehe pompous fool . what do you aim to achieve?

The real Gabriel
Occupation: Sport betting Idler
Education Highrise High school Kayole. Grade E
Employer: Betin
Previous employer: sportpesa
Double chance
Over 2.5

:D:D:D you tried, mate.

uko na charger ya pin ndogo?

Gabu ule mmoja

It’s never that serious. Wacha watu wajuane bwana.

Fogothari :smiley: