Ash Wednesday's official thread!

Happy Ash Wednesday to you all. Blessed Lenten season. It’s a season of spiritual renewal rather than a time for deprivation!

Let’s seek that spiritual awakening… so yeah I’m not depriving myself of anything like sex but I’ll try walk in communion with God, be humble, patient, repent and pray.

Where are you getting your ashes? I’ll be at Consolata Shrine 1pm…

Deprive mouth to mouth ! Anyway have a good day full of smile and make sure you enjoy every moments

Vile ninapenda nyama, am thinking I try niwe mbuzi (vegetarian) for the next 40 days but that’s when nyani ingine inakupigia simu jioni and tells you “njo tukule tumbukiza”… Saitan is real…

This totally negates your previous immediate thread…morally.
Happy Valentine’s Day FP.
[SIZE=1](Mod anawesa pewa free of charge?..)[/SIZE]

Time of love and God’s grace. Good day.

FP your profile has been hacked…!!!

Reminds me when i was in highschool in some junior seminary in molo.Ash wednesday had some hidden satisfaction after getting the ash on my forehead.I wouldnt miss church.Too bad things have changed.

Let’s walk the talk and keep sight of the goal.


Is sucking meat prohibited during lent?

Achana na cat mentality:)
Here are 10 ideas for a more meaningful Lent Season.

Happy Valentine’s Day mtu wa turedio! Of course you can get nunu for FREE if you share ip address za ktalk sponsors!

May be…if you pay my usual 3k!

No! Not in my church

I will be at the Holy Family 1 pm. Blessed day.

From grace to grass in a minute :)…happy lent season

:D:D:D:D:D kweli there is no such thing as free goodies, what are the revenue projections from the IP address you would have acquired?


For you it’s free on condition utupe hiyo Meko from your cabin

celebratory dance loading in in 3…2…1