Africa is a net importer even of basic commodities that don’t require a brain to make. Tell me why we import Instant coffee from Nestle yet we have Raw coffee beans, electricity and the internet. Tell be why we import toothpicks and toothbrushes from China and India.
We are wasting valuable land subdividing it into 50x100 plots. This appetite for land is what fuels wars and poverty in Africa.
We need land Reform ASAP
We need mechanized farming and Africa has enough arable land to feed the entire world if we are to implement Irrigation systems such as the one in Libya
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We need ruthless law enforcement and mandatory death sentence for economic crimes
This would get rid of thieves such as Ruto who steal Dam money.
Not even land reforms alone, Africa needs a radical shift in policies to purge itself of greed and selfseeking nature of the majority of us Africans.
But for such a radical shift to happen, am afraid we may need another bloody war, the one on the scale of a World War in order to unite Africans to a common unity.
The empires we’re dreaming about have always been forged by iron and blood, not nice words that the AU gives out or even signed agreements.
The Average African can not see or even understand just how much those foreigners who benefit from African resources NOW have invested in ensuring that Africans DO NOT DEVELOP CAPACITY to exploit those resources ourselves
The said Average negro thinks its just normal African haplessness, laziness etc
A well advised Negro would understand than the challenges facing African industrialization are two fold
Defeating the evil plans of those making billions from said resources now
Actually going about industrializing
Those two are formidable tasks that require a totally different kind of leadership from what we have all over Africa NOW
This is kind of bold leaders we need to go to the next stage…
Juzi i was watching a documentary of the largest hydro project in congo that is capable of powering the whole of africa but we are still suffering from inadequate/ expensive electricity… when i see such things i am triggered me because i know the french will not allow it to succeed.
The other day Seouth Effrikkeh, darling of the West, tried to enact land reforms. What happened? Mike Pompeo, a former CIA Director turned Secretary of State, landed in Addis and calmly threatened them at the AU headquarters. In fact his exact words were “You don’t want to end up like Libya”. Seouth Effrikkeh wamekunja mkia. Nobody’s talking about land reforms anymore. White farmers are relaxing.
Ethiopia and Egypt had a dispute over the hydroelectric dam under construction. The engineer in charge of the project was murdered. What happened? Mike Pompeo had a ‘talk’ with leaders from both countries and the hostilities ceased, at least for now. The rest of Africa will never know what happened yet we all rely on the river Nile for energy and agriculture.
Those are just two of the most recent examples. If any African leader even dreams of nationalizing our resources they get bitch-slapped real quick and told not to dare try it or else. Remember how Uhuru was chest-thumping to Obama after the “choices have consequences” veiled threats? Remember how he was too timid and ashamed to look Obama in the eyes when they inevitably met and had to shake hands? Look at his goofy expression. Like a naughty child being forced to apologize for being rude to an adult.
Our leaders are profiteers and sellouts, no debates there, but they are also at the mercy of Superpower nations who can destroy our societies with a single phonecall or signature. The powers that be couldn’t do the things you’ve mentioned even if they wanted to.
The problem is electing poor lazy corrupt presidents like Uhuru based on tribes. Si mtachagua Ruto not because of any plans he has, in fact you already made up your mind, but because of tribal alliances then muanze tena kucomplain
Land, water, a good climate and a high potential for hydro, geothermal, wind and solar electricity. minerals we do not know much but the ones that we are mining earn foreigners more money than us.