Sasa hizi ghaseer zimewachilia Liverpool ishukue okombe.
How can they lose a two goal advantage?
Sasa hizi ghaseer zimewachilia Liverpool ishukue okombe.
How can they lose a two goal advantage?
Arsenal arsenaling
bloody cunts
If you want to age and die before your time, continue supporting arsenal. Used to be a die hard fan, now i watch from the sidelines, no emotions invested.
Bet imeungua
I am more shocked that anyone with a sound brain has any expectations for Arsenal.
Kweli there’s a fool born every minute
Finishing what we started successfully is a problem. What’s wrong with Aterta men. Hii kitu inafanya nachoka walai.
(Never thought my love for Arsenal FC is this deep)
How we start and how we finish…
That’s a lie, you still love and support Arsenal FC, by the way you cannot stop supporting the club you love.
Wewe shika handkerchief, Mimi yangu imejaa machos.
Tupatane next season tafadhali
City, Liverpool,forest ndio contenders.
But alot can happen.