Arrorr should quit if he is done with Jubilee

We the tax payers are tired of paying millions each month to someone who has quit govt. He should be impeached if he wont quit.


Nah, in his absence “Ohuru” angekuwa Gatundu, wacha amalize kumi fresh in wages. He earned it, in a way he brought two warring communities together. Accolades to him. Its “Ohuru” that went to bed with “Raia”.

Huyu sioni akitoboa maisha outside govt. He will jump ship and form a coalition. When hecwas fired as a minister in 2009 he was very stressed and yet he was still an MP. Hajazoea kutembea bila 3 million kwa mfuko. Ruto has never even fueled his own car using his own money. Maisha mzuri hio.

Hadi wale malaya amewai tomba in his lifetime huwa analipa na per diem ya serikali. Eating life with a big spoon.

Ruto and Kalonzo have really enjoyed their lives on planet earth. Yaani walianza kubebwa na govt driver in their 20s?

Moi trying to tie them up to prevent competition later.

His Excellency will do what he wants to do. He doesn’t take instructions. Pork in waiting.

And you should get that masters degree in stupidity that you so well deserve

He should be kicked out ASAP.

No he ain’t quitting. He is there for the long haul. Uhuru already took his key objectives from him. Ni vile WSR is not a nominated MP. Quick Q when is Uhuru packing up?
But why does the dude give you sleepless nights?:smiley:

bila WSR katika 2022 race, tutaboeka sana.