Endebess Police Station, conducted an intelligence-led operation which led to the recovery of suspected stolen motorcycles and the arrest of two suspects.

Sammy Mwangi Muriithi and Denis Wanjala Simiyu were apprehended when law enforcement officers raided their garage, Ex-Japan Spares, located in the Veterinary area of Kitale town. Intelligence had revealed that motorcycles from victims of violent robberies and murders were taken to the garage, disassembled, and then sold as spare parts to unsuspecting buyers.

Hawa ni scapegoats. Meffi

The Okuyu was the mastermind, he should have feried those parts back to Nairobi or cendro. Kodiaga Maximum Security awaits their behinds. No more mtura and thufu.


The so called intelligence is based on rumors, wivu na mushenee. The case will probably be thrown out for being shitty


But that is what is called actionable intelligence, it resulted in this burst. But to some extent you could be right about evidence, a good investigator will have done his due dilligence leading to this seizure.

They don’t exist in kenya