Armchair economists saidia Dorra acct

Just need pros and cons of a dollar acct , have some loose change some where, i’m thinking of having a dollar acct , pros and cons zikuje tafadhali !


You won’t get fleeced when buying a car from chapan by forex bureaus. Imagine converting 5000 dollars into ksh the amount of money you would lose on exchange rate.

I save my money in dollars. That way way since I began, it’s been more profitable than having a KES account.

Also, it’s harder to spend. I have to withdraw dollars, then look for a FX place. Then look at the teller and akiuliza "What is the source of $10,000? I get scared and return the money to my account.

Does n’t your money only appreciate at the rate of inflation? Or do they award interest on your dollars?

Seems to me in the economy is about to take a hit for a while and may be there is some money to be made in the exchange rate or atleast maintain it’s value ! Just spreading eggs in more than 1 basket !

So if you are looking to gain you are investing not saving. Same rules for investing apply. Bigger losses it goes against iou