Argentina undergoing a crisis

One would wonder why their century old investment in eugenics can’t save them. LMAO!

I heard that they are still celebrating the world cup win

Bonobo are jumping up and down. Hawajui Pia Sisi tunaelekea hapo. Chuma chetu kimotoni. Hizi deni tulikopa to build a railway to nowhere.

Toa evidence elder

Economic collapse is a process not an event…we are on course evidence is all over…


kwani iko nini

Support your claim with solid statistical data,which one can easily analyse. Any claim without such should be treated as hot farts!

Let me ask you bro , you think we are on a good trajectory?

You are trying to explain economics to a an ape…

Anus lickers @sani @Titty Twister @Berlin Oxford @Kennedy Maina @Karoga @Kalenjin101 what say you?

The backbone of stable economies majorly dwells on how the security stock exchange performs,i.e bonds, equities and securities. As of yesterday’s close of trading, we were at [COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]6.00 PREVIOUS ,[COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]6.30
HIGH ,[COLOR=rgb(209, 72, 65)]6.00 LOW, [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]6.02 average with [COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]14,000 VOLUME. That’s quite impressive as compared to previous figures. At the moment, we are facing a major forex crunch and maturing loans which should be serviced on time. All in all,things will be back to normal in 18 months provided all parameters remain constant.

Pause the chokosh wars for now lil-bro…

wash your butt thoroughly, and invest in some good lube, Arror hatasaidia watu hawataki kusaidika