Are you Bullish or Bearish about the state of the world?

Guys, based on your gut feeling and educated opinion, do you think something extraordinary is about to happen within the next 1-2years? (I mean something huge like global economic collapse where the stock market & dollar goes to zero, nuclear war, germ warfare, unprecedented climate disasters etc) or is it going to be just another ‘ordinary’ 2022-23?

Take the poll.

[SIZE=5]The prospect of an economic collapse is likely; We’ve witnessed how the pandemic has devastated folks’ livelihoods and how numerous businesses have closed shop. On the bright side, people have realized the importance of having more than one source of income and making hay while the sun shines…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]There is zero chance of a nuclear warfare, due to global ties & international relations. @Demakuvu has a higher chance of being the governor of Kayole.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Climate disasters are already occurring as we’ve seen with the recent natural calamities. These might get worse, but we hope for the best![/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]In conclusion, I choose to be optimistic. [/SIZE]

One thing I know is that an investment with a Jamaican and China man will drink water.


Take the poll.

The USD is backed primarily by the threat of violence. As long as the pentagon can bully the playground, the USD won’t plummet destructively. If China or Russia make a military breakthrough, we could be in for some interesting times. No year is ordinary, but financially, am not seeing another 2008 at least not next year.

:D:D hurumia disciple ya Florence Knightingale jamani, lakini hii pandemic kuna jamaa zimejiseti fiti na wash schemes for the next couple of years.

Bullish and bearish at the same time.China’s progress in DUV and EUV is on track they have complete localized SEMI supply chains by 2027, all gloves will be off .
That is America’s last choke point and the Chinese will have the confidence to throw their weight around and push back against the Americans.

Interesting decade ahead

The chinkus seem to be winning the quantum computing and AI races and what that portends for the world is yet to be seen


I like your positivity, Bwana Wakili we need more of that!

Thanks for your insight, let’s hope you’re right.

Hapo sawa, I’m also rooting for China (and the world).

All preppers in the house, kindly take the poll.

Hehe. Papo you are a doomsday prepper? Do you have a bunker? gun? Bug out location?

Say what??? Okay should Trump make it in 2024 you still gonna route for China??

Now that I’ve traveled a bit I’m changed man. I’m now fully convinced that they’ll be turbulence and turmoil but if making money is the yardstick, the future is bright.

According to me:

  1. A cultural revolution might occur in Murica because conservatives may feel they are getting the short end of the stick.
  2. China would continue with it’s mass propaganda and hot air. The Chinks would try to battle with Murica but that’s like a drop in the ocean.
  3. Kenya would bow down to pressure from NGOs and foreign western countries and legalize homosexuality before 2030.
  4. Ruto would be the fifth PORK.
  5. France would continue battling violent Islamists even though militant Islamism would decline worldwide due to Muslims being liberalized.
  6. Black Americans votes would be insignificant going forward as illegal immigrants continue to pour into Murica.
  7. An altercation between China and USA in the South China Sea over Taiwan may occur although not to a level of a nuclear war.
  8. Palestine may get independence before 2030.
  9. Nigeria would experience violent clashes as secessionist battle each other.
  10. Nairobi Expressway would be open to the public amid a cry about massive corruption and illegal dues paid to use it.
  11. Trump would be on the ballot and Ron De Santis would deputize him.
  12. Bezos and five others would hit $200B each.

Haha it’s a bit complicated. #Trump/Desantis 2024!

Wagwan, I like your prediction.

Another whooping at the poll. Trump lost popular votes to a 70 year old woman as well as to a 77 year old man. His best is behind him, even if we blame the ref.

Of course, how could you not? My pops and I have been in the prepping business since 1998. Fortress and everything in it back home, we are ready. When you read the news it’s quite unbelievable that here we are in August 2021.

News at a glance
-Covid, variants, vaccines, draconian measures

  • The US Feds are printing money like it’s going out of style, looming financial collapse?
  • Social decay, rise mental health illnesses manifested by LGBTPQ, explosions in rage/violence
    -Climate disasters

Can the center hold much longer?

Very thorough! So basically same old, same old…

Ulikuwa umeanza wapi?

What catastrophes do is to destabilise the status quo & break barriers between social classes. What this means is that a good number of people who were economically empowered lose everything and sink into poverty. Others break through the celling and become incredibly wealthy. Everyone must adapt to stay relevant. Those who don’t become obsolete.

For people in my cycle, life is getting so much better. Lot’s of new business opportunities and ways to generate wealth.