Are we voting or going to war on 8/8?

[ATTACH=full]112407[/ATTACH] Pictures speak 1000 words. Will the fabled 70+1% be enforced through a legit vote or through force.
Cry, my beloved country.

Vote and go home no need to die for these politicians,both camps are just selfish and egocentric rot. Didn’t you read that after clinching their different posts, their first task is to fight Sarah Serem.? Preach peace brothers and sisters.

Hizi zinaenda Kibera, Kisumu and Hom bay. Every other place around the country will be peaceful. Veeery peaceful.

This democracy thing sucks was looking at KRA figures.
2.3 million Kenyans filed their annual returns
8.1 million Kenyans are registered with KRA
19 million Kenyans will vote
Why should 88 % of those not contributing to the National cake determine who will be in charge of the cake…why not Let the 12% contributors determine the custodian of the Cake.

Kama unaona kura yako itaibiwa …kaa nyumbani.

Security ikikuwa mnacomplain. Ikikosa mnacomplain.

In short , Be neffa Raila Will President.

If you’re going to war you’re on your own. Sisi kama upper mido crass tutakuwa home watching the events on news.

My jirani has actually gone abroad until after elections.

VAT!!! That’s why!

:D:DKwani mtu wa pikipiki, mama nguo, kondakta, taxi, uber na the rest hawajengi nchi

5.8M ni nil returns. Seems the govt is run by 2.3M people only. Heheheheheheeee. Lakini cheza chini mblathe

Lilian…ama wacha tu.

These are for maintaining law and order ndio Wale savages wa kurusha mawe wasilete noma, if one behaves like an animal he should be handled like one otherwise the elections will be peaceful

Tulisema mlipe ushuru tuwategemee. How many times do we have,to keep on saying that?

@mouraythee if someone is going to fight on the 8th of August 2017,let them start by fighting his wife,her husband and children… If by the time we are sending nigas home by 6pm they have not stopped fighting,we will call the cops to come and maintain peace n tranquility.
If possible,I will be at my registered polling station by 5 nipige kura yangu niende the nearest bar to await the results.

Tukutane Kwa Debe ARA?

That’s for your protection from Marauding gangs, you remember what happened last time?

why should you worry about them if you don’t have anything silly up your sleeves?..ata Rao mwenyewe amekataa kusema kama ataadmit kushindwa

Q. Are we voting or going to war on 8/8?

A. Whatever shit you want to go down, tuko tayari…your move

If only the fight against corruption was accorded the same attention…

Unapigwa kibare na kina pamba halafu unaokotwa na hiyo spade iko hapo mbele

There’s a report on Asset recovery by EACC and in the four years or five I believe they’ve done more than 500M. Let’s not explain complex legal issues with one-line rhetoric like jubilee sycophants.

What last time, when Kibaki refused to concede? That’s why we’re demanding clean polls. Not a military state.

I should not be laughing but :D:D:D:D:D