It’s said that kitambo aliens walikua wana invade earth like they built the pyramids they we part of early civilization okay my question is this what stopped them coming na ama kuna dunia ingine,are those UFO we see on youtube true all just photoshopped?[ATTACH=full]442989[/ATTACH][ATTACH]442989[/ATTACH]
check out the Dogon tribe and the Sirius star system and the disappearances of the Bachwezi people.
Share wrink brathaa
Now they live among us. See Elon musk wants to go home and Zuckerberg is a reptilian caught on tape morphing.
How come it’s always “aliens built the pyramids”? How come its never “aliens built Rome”?
Whats different with rome
The Dogon, the Nommos and Sirius B
The Dogon are a tribe living in Mali, West Africa.According to one of their legends a race called the Nommos visited the Earth from the star Sirius thousands of years ago.The Nommos were ugly amphibious beings.The Dogon learned from the Nommos that there was a companion star (Sirius B) orbiting the main star. This legend supposedly goes back hundreds of years.In 1970 scientists discovered there was indeed a Sirius B, though they had suspected its existence for over a century.This led K.G. Temple to argue in his book, The Sirius Mystery, that the legend must be true and aliens visited the Dogon.Skeptics argue that the Dogon incorporated this new information into older legends and that the Sirius system is a very unlikely place to support life.
In Mali, West Africa, lives a tribe of people called the Dogon. The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis.
This legend might be of little interest to anybody but the two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen, who recorded it from four Dogon priests in the 1930’s. Of little interest except that it is exactly true. How did a people who lacked any kind of astronomical devices know so much about an invisible star? The star, which scientists call Sirius B, wasn’t even photographed until it was done by a large telescope in 1970.
Visitors from the Stars
The Dogon stories explain that also. According to their oral traditions, a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. They also appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian myths. The Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius.
The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B.
The legend goes on to say the Nommos also furnished the Dogon’s with some interesting information about our own solar system: That the planet Jupiter has four major moons, that Saturn has rings and that the planets orbit the sun. These were all facts discovered by Westerners only after Galileo invented the telescope.
The Greek and Roman philosophers studied in Egypt, and i suspect, most of them plagiarized their knowledge from their, same as the Judeo Christian religion.
Have you ever tried researching on ancient Egyptians religion, that is, before the Pharaohs ?
Whats specs with rome
White people who subscribe to these ancient alien theories rarely mention European civilisations relying on alien assistance and technology. It’s always black and brown people who needed a helping hand from aliens. Pretty obvious where they’re coming from don’t you think?
Give it a trial.
According to this guy, not only do they exist, he has even devised a method of contacting them known as the CE-5 protocol. He has a documentary on YouTube called Close Encounters of the 5th kind where he purports to contact aliens from a different galaxy. He even photographs them so it is worth a look.
So basically there is no way a black man could build a structure like a pyramid, and since pyramids were never in the euros, the alien had to come to earth and do it for us. I see…
Green character is questionable.
What stopping those alleins from coming at the moment
Kwani walisahao njia
High chances are we are alone ioz hukua hekaya tuu
It is but when you are dealing with UFOs it’s not like respectable people will come out to talk about it and risk their reputation. Kwanza if you are a pilot and you mention you saw a ufo in the sky as you flew your route you are begging for early retirement.
Aliens are fallen angels which are demonic spirits
There’s something called the launch window, Ans that’s why humanity greatly leaps forward every 3600yrs.