Application for an ID

Sorry for this kind of stupid question…but where can one apply for an ID in this City of ours?

are you ‘asking for a friend?’ o_O


Yes I suppose so :slight_smile:

Huduma center

Huduma centers. Enda Ile iko Haille Sellasie. Charges probably 100/-

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Thanks, What are the requirements?

Police abstract. Enda online, download it. Pelekea officer @pamba akujazie ie if you lost it.

Pambo ni karao? :eek:

Apana. I think ni umoja wa mapambo


Death Certificate and a Letter signed by your Village Elder/Church Elder to confirm you not an Allien

Sorry guys, the ID is not for me, I am asking for a first time application after kumaliza form four

mwambie aende kwa chief wa kwao na ID ya wazazi na baptism card, birth notification au birth certificate

huduma is much easier, than going all the way to the chief. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Huduma Centers. On the requirements, just enquire.

Related to this, what of a case where the child has used different names other than what’s on the birth cert? The mum (deceased) had not obtained an affidavit.

This damn site is not even going through NKT!

Jaro soja =under eighteen

be specific! what kind of id do u want! id y devil worshippers, national id, school id, ktalk id???

Ubebe proof kama baptism cert, kcpe or kcse certs e.t.c

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enda kwa county offices unaeza saidika

huduma centre only does I.d card replacement. kama ni first time applicant mwambie aende hapo kariokor kwa chief.
na kama he is of somali origin, akuwe ready kuwa harassed…

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