Apologies to 1 @Chloe

My attention is drawn to our altercation on a thread by Mickey mouse aka @Micymas, about certain word. My sincere apologies for indulging in an argument n I didn’t av my facts right. Tena I apologise kwa kuassume uko na “adhari za lugha ya mama” like my friend Malonza from kwa Vonza Kitui who usually ng’oas and says, “Nimekuwa nafack ngale, pizuli” instead of “Nilikua napark gari vizuri”.

Mistakes are good. They help us with discovery.

Taquer taquer meffi unapologise nini on the net? Enda huko thread ulihara useme makosa imefanyika na uende zako. Mistakes were made. Ya. Halafu utulize kende zote tisa. Sasa hii thread muzima ya nini?

Chicken excrement

@thesavage , it seems u r pressed, ita naau ugatane. Mukundo, mai, nchabo


beta male unasumbua

Mùrùme nimbi thìna?

argument ya “double ganger” na sijui “dopple ng’ang’a” ?

Why the fuck you apologizing?

umama errywhere

@kender9 my wife nilimkataza pesa ya salon Leo…also apologize to her priss

Betamales everywhere…

See your life , see your name, shemales everywhere. Pendejo , akiliminji

The difference between ur class or rather the lack of it and us civilised men is , we dont hold any1 in contempt regardless of their gender, tribe, race, color or religion; but we hold classless and sexually disoriented people in contempt

@kender9 if you are apologizing in an anonymous forum where I know @Chloe has already blocked you,what do you do in real life…my fren ukibembleza wanawake you are viewed as useless ,weak and good for nothing…in fact women love bad boys… Wale wanawatukana,hawashiki simu

My fren wacha kuwa beta male…you have got balls… @Chloe ametukanwa hapa Mara milioni and she keeps replying… Why you…

One thing that has kept me going on these streets of K-Talk, is something that I learned from K-List, “No one knows who is who here unless I introduced you and showed you around.” Stop holding grunge with ghosts, coz that’s what we are here. Unless it’s business related, I will forever remain anonymous.

Cc @makende

This thread was a thinly veiled stereo type joke, about Kaos kung’oa, so @Micymas , @Akothee the shemale tulizeni mamele


Guti mantu nkai, natia ukuga?