Anyone Else Having Looong Wait Times for DNS Propagation

Last night I had to create a domain and two subdomains. After setting up the DNS it took over an hour for the site to work yet using a VPN or proxy (EU and US location) the site was reachable almost instantly. Local networks took almost two hours to find the site.

I created two subdomains and ended up staying from 11 pm till 3 am waiting for DNS propagation. I’ve never had to wait this long… Usually less than 30mins sometimes less than a minute.

Before you tell me I should have edited hosts file, I couldn’t. I needed the site accessible from mobile browsers and the IP is shared.

Had this issue awhile back used NS look up turns out some fucks in safcom were not refreshing their DNS had to tell them and even pin point the server with the issue. Same for telecom/ orange . client was getting an old copy of the site because this buggers were not doing the same ! Had to go some building in westlands where the servers and tell them this was a while back.


na hukuandikwa kazi kama consultant?

If it is from offshore company it can take 2-3days
Within kenya a maximum of 5hours
Subdomain ukitengeza it’s immediately

I like Webhost kenya kuna technical staff uko oriah anakuanga poa. He normally solves the stuffs immediately

2to 3 days how ??? ti’s usually a couple of hrs max , issue is usually local dns servers failing to refresh their caches ! You can use a VPN and see the site is up in EU or America , when you try locally u find propagation is yet to happen, if u use tracert with the domain unapata ni server mahali huku hawaja cycle.