Anyone can someone pass this to Ruto

Kikuyus won’t back you, Kenya ina wenyewe, next president Gideon MLI

Anyone can pass this message to doom sayers.
Kikuyus built Jubilee from scratch and have no other home. They will not abandon the home they built and be in the wilderness.
DP Ruto is going to be your next president. It’s cast in stone.

Hio tumesoma.
Now bring the next message… I’m sure there’s more where that came from!

We should be first told if kamelonair will be backed by baba in 2022…William has already sent a warning shot.

Gideon mgani Onyancha,Mung’aro, konchella ama ndambuki

Asante Kwa maoni

It’s funny how people want to amplify Gideon. It’s the same hype the media gave Isaac.

I won’t comment further.

Funny how the rudderless Naswan’s have taken to Gideon Moi for consolation! My friend, this GM you are consoling yourself with is a non-starter! Even retaining his senate seat required the intervention of WSR…Chelugui had vanguished him properly…The presidency sio choo to just walk in…you need vast networks, lots of energy, charisma, luck and a financial war-chest. Apart from finance, GM lacks all the other prerequisites…God-willing tukutane 2022…

Sio kwa ubaya but kura yangu sigwes patia Gideon Moi. William is more composed as a leader.