Answers to questions you never asked.

Kikuyu. Of all the tribes in Kenya, Kikuyu is the most populous one, having its own set of cultures and traditions. This Bantu group forms a 22% population of Kenya and mostly inhabits Kenya’s Central region.

The Maasai tribe is the most popular tribe in Kenya worldly famous for their unique culture and history, the Maasai belong to the Nilotic ethnic group inhabiting in the northern, central and southern regions of Kenya.

The Bukusu and the Maragoli are the two largest Luhya sub-tribes.

The El Molo, also known as Elmolo, are an ethnic group mainly inhabiting the northern Eastern Province of Kenya. They are the smallest ethnic group in Kenya, numbering about 300 people. They originally settled in the north of Lake Turkana but were forced by the other tribes to move south to the small islands.

The Kipsigis are regarded among the most hospitable and courteous ethnic groups of Kenya. Apart from the Kalenjin, the other tribe in this group is the Tatonga of Western Tanzania.

Different Kenyan tribes harbor a unique sense of beauty but Kikuyu women are reservedly exotic and irresistibly sexy. These women also have alluring bodies, shiny foreheads, and sublime complexions. The rest of the Kenyan tribes are stiff-stunned at the incredible charisma of Kikuyu women.
[SIZE=2]Kalenjins form majority of teachers at 59,538.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Kikuyus number 59,010
Luhyas 52,882
Luos 40,657
Kambas 39,807
Kisiis 30,317[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Meru 22,164.[/SIZE]

The Mijikenda comprises nine (9) distinct Bantu groups who speak closely-related languages. They include the Chonyi, Duruma, Digo, Giriama, Jibana, Kambe, Kauma, Rabai and Ribe.

Wacha wakabila waingie Kwa thread in 5,4,3,2…

Waingiaje na ushatangulia?

:D:D:D mmeseti msee kwa piga - ua mode tangu kitambo bana!

Piga UA

Different Kenyan tribes harbor a unique sense of beauty but Kikuyu women are reservedly exotic and irresistibly sexy. These women also have alluring bodies, shiny foreheads, and sublime complexions. The rest of the Kenyan tribes are stiff-stunned at the incredible charisma of Kikuyu women

Hapa ngojea makelele yaja

Tumefika, ati kunaenda aje hapa :D:D

Hapa nimepotea, OP hajatembea kenya bado

To me, the most beautiful women are from from the Rendille tribe. They have fair looks and a fair amount of flesh on their bodies. The only problem is that most have undergone FGM

Women from the coastal region pia wako fiti saidi, their swahili accent na madoido na dera zao za ki peacock :smiley:

They look great but problem is that they are too lazy for anything including thrilling sex.

…watakubingirishia kiuno waki dance chakacha hadi useme ni kweli niko mombasani :D:D

One day I am going to look for one and take her to bed

Pokots~ hands down… are the most revered tribe in this ma’fuckin’ shithole of ours. We can hand it down to any shithead who fucks with us. This is a well documented fact … [SIZE=1]just saying[/SIZE]

Pokot ni kichwa ngumu. You guys don’t fear anything. Lakini muwache tulime Laikipia bila fujo

Hebu jaribu we shall provide you with a checklist ucheki kama she will tick all the boxes. Had one, na roho changu malipenda saidi. Aliitwa Zuena, alirudi kwao nkaboeka.

Kiswahili tu na accent yao ilinimalisa nguvu kwa magoti, sasa akianza kuimba hizo chakacha na taarab zao, akibingirisha kiuno, wacha tu…:D:D

Hebu jishindie mapema and experience kabla you consider giving planteshen a second chance

Nipe through pass

I say Women from the Samburu, Borana, Rendille and Somalis are hands down the most beautiful women up in this neck o’ the woods. Kikuyu women got nothin’ on those ones; honestly they don’t even come anywhere close. They just have numbers that make em’ more visible… but hell nah … kwa beauty they got fuck all compared to women from those tribes.

Somalis borana, rendile, I agree totally and completely, but in terms of company wako chini, ni mabubu, fika coast uone wanadada wa madoido :smiley:

Samburu ni washamba wajinga Sana and Somali wamekaziwa na their men and religion. I would rather travel to Kapenguria and look for a Pokot than those Samburu. Na hawajui kutingisha