Another Tragedy



Waahh…noma…kwani hawajawahi ona movie…bed sheets manenoz…Kwanza wa pili at least hang then jump ikibidi

This is not even funny

Nikilia watasaidikaje? Shenzi…waokoe

On a more serious note…254 hakunanga fire Marshall…fire escapes…building codes …moto ukiwaka ni kumburuka kama mwewe

Watoi wa shule Huwa na shida…unaweza kuta ni ma prefect wamefungiwa na nje…

On second look…naona fire escape on the side… making me think they were locked in…pia fire drills should be mandatory…schools…work etc for all newbies mandatory

ni kama wenzao wameweka matress wakaruka. hio time wamesimama hapo niko sure kuna wengine wamereact haraka

Besides water and long pipes, fire brigade teams should arm themselves with tall ladders and equipment that can quickly cut through those metal windows to save lives. I hope I can be forgiven for thinking they don’t have them.

Girls are not logical creatures. Never xpect a woman to react logically in a high-stress situation. They brain aint wired likdat

Of course they were locked. School administrators are a special kind of cow. They always lock all the fire exits with chains instead of simply employing more guards to keep dorm safe

Let me guess, the gates were locked by a mjinga soldier who was more concerned that the public will loot the school.

Several have died


bonobo republic manenos

Waah, mazee. Yani unapeleka mtoi shule alafu unarudishiwa dead body.

From shadows…I can tell ni kama time ya supper kwa time table za shule…why the fcuk would fire escapes be even locked…hakuna mtu alikuwa amelala…this isht is deliberate…arson…how did they become trapped mchana…kutoka enzi za bombolulu (surprised at my memory) bado no lessons have been learnt by schools? Tsk…simple things like making sure all doors swing in and lock can be opened by someone who is inside etc ujinga ni talent 254

Mostly the escape routes are locked to keep the students from sneaking out

Ati ni wao walichoma


You would think in the age of motion sensor cameras…any smart phone kama pesa ndio shida…no Wacha tufunge fire escape na nyororo…manze…ujinga ile iko 254

Upuzi…alafu wakaruka kutoka third floor…Kuna Mmoja amebebwa kama maiti kwa mariamu…Kisha hizo ambulance zote…so walikuwa wanataka kuenda home ama Mochari…

Huyo mwalimu wa hio shule apelekwe kazi ya mjengo…anaongeza ujinga shuleni

Na tukisema ukweli ie. That the learning capacity of Africans is very low tunatusiwa

Year after year schools burn kids die but no changes are ever made. What are the fire regulations? Fire stations mbona ziko chache hivo? Should we consider discontinuing boarding school?

Within days the headlines will be back to Ruto/Raila as if nothing ever happened

The fire escapes are there. looking at the clip, these were locked. Administration ifinywe

Nikiwa teaching practice apo Buruburu girls hao watoto walikua na discipline. I wonder what changed.