Another Hit from Kikekuyus

The “kikes of Kenya”
The destroyers of electoral process in Kenya (2007)
The electors of ICC criminals (2013)
The people who brought back Moi to power (2022)

The cattle that will ensure housing fund con passes

Stupid electorates/audience. Do they know anything called ripple effect?

They do not know that is why the speaker used that angle

A glimmer of hope for the many learned youtmen out there bila js

Gatono, nini inakuwasha? si kila mtu ako na kura yake…
What magic would have RAO done differently given the inherited debt and obligations to creditors?
We’re in this economic quagmire together upende usipende so it would be better for all of us if you proposed an alternative source of budget financing than profiling a community for Tingas miscalculations.

Kehee malaya ya ojinga. If you weren’t dieing like flies from okimwi you would have the numbers

Lol. Your stupid voting over 2 decades is why we’re here. Ati “propose alternative financing”

The only proposition now is to turn this country into a Federal State - after it defaults. Then you jigger niggers can go back to your state and do all these shenanigans there

For your information a good proportion of us voted for RAO, but accepted the outcome in stride, and are trying to make the best with what we have in place.
Aside from your snide remarks, given the current government, what would you do differently to raise taxes?

Okay, no other way for govt to get revenue. But again, it’s not a must to have a budget of 3.6T, esp when inflation is at all time high. What happened with reducing the budget?

I am a Raila supporter as well but many of my non kikuyu friends think I am supporter of jsks automatically…

Anyway, I think @girlciki93 has a bone to pick with shiny eyes… I think kuna talker mkikukuyu alimpiga sweep moto moto na hajawairecover.

Guys, this lady was exposed to be undergoing deep personal issues. She is trying to pin the blame on anyone and anything. Serikali, Wakikuyu, Wanaume etc etc. Inakaa life inampiga stick properly since she hit 30.

@girlciki93 wakikuyu will not save you from misery. Neither will the wazungus you were trying to hunt so usipeleke umalaya kwa those hotels. Pia gava haijali juu ya mtu ako na meno 32. Tafuta mboka upige kama raia wengine.

I could shelve vanity projects (those designed for kickbacks and hardware sales) for now and invest in food security and value addition. The Egyptians built pyramids only after they had mastered growing and storing grain such that they could survive seven-year famines (or so we are told).

Me thinks alidumpiwa na chali mkikuyu ama alinyanganywa chali na kunguru mkikuyu. One of those two.

Once again the Wanjiku is shooting herself on the foot.
There’s very many ways to get Kenya out of this mess… A great example is this:
Instead of taking out 3% of salaries for what we know is an impending scandal, why not take out like 0.5% that will go towards large scale investments in dams and irrigation-fed agriculture? On what basis should we be importing items like sugar and rice or even mitumba when we can very well do this things right here?
And the domino effect will be massive.

It will begin with affordable electricity (finally), go all the way to employing both skilled and unskilled youth, to growing manufacturing all the way to positively getting out of the hole we are in instead of digging.
It’s not rocket science, really!

But, it’s alright, let’s all pay. We’ve got to mint a new batch of overnight billionaires.

Your mind is in the right place, but government is not here to make life easier, it’s just baton handed down to holders who have favors to repay and asses to kiss. Your, or my one vote means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Eg, why would a Kenyan politician commit his own financial suicide by blocking business for all foreigners who give him kickbacks and a place at the table of ‘world leaders?’ Why would your local city MCA want every home connected to clean water when his buddies own the water bottling businesses?

It’s difficult but straight forward

  1. Control Government spending. You can’t be wasting a 3rd of your revenue. It’s politically costly but nothing you do matters without this. Kenya Kwisha which you voted for was very clear that fighting corruption was not part of their agenda. Kikekuyu cattle have never really gotten it in their heads that food governance goes ahead of economic development just because they’ve been benefiting from shit tier governments. Do you really think we’re going anywhere in a country where the entire public procurement setup is ass? Where every road is inflated?

  2. Agriculture. In the short term you have to go for measures that subsidize cost of food. That will at least make you popular with the masses while going for real agriculture development in the long run na sio hii ya government buying maize from kaleniggers. You have to partner with private players to improve extension services with a goal of improving yields for basic food stuff. Niggers have not improved yields since getting independence. We’re essentially producing the same amount of food but with millions more people. This is how you reduce cost of food. This should be your number 2 priority

  3. Manufacturing. You start by creating enabling environment starting with food processing and moving up in complexity. We still don’t even have the unified permit, people can’t afford machines. Instead of the hustler fund, government should use institutions like KIRDI (Devolved so that all tribes enjoy) where it guarantees seed funding and such i.e rethink the Uwezo fund, women fund, etc because they have not been effective as expected.

Instead we have a thief elected who wants to orchestrate stealing of public land and then we tax payers finance him and his cronies to build ghost houses. LOL. The thief is also supposedly widening the tax base at a time the economy is contracting? And he’s not doing this by pulling from the Informal sector but by burdening the formal one even more. Ati he says he is subsidizing production. What the fuck does Ruto know about producing value?

Niggers are just short sighted and greedy. That’s all. How come in Spain or South Korea they are able to achieve good standards for their people while steal getting kickbacks (politicians are morons everywhere)?


Even those listening are not too sure about the lies…

We are yet to overcome the urge to operate on survival mode animalistic instincts as a society. Our puppetteers, local and foreign know that. If you can see through the bs, just improve your own life quietly.

Maraya Mzee enda jiuze upate unga