Anointing Oil and prophetic acts

My fellow Christians what’s your position on this matter trending right now in Kenya.

Let everyone believe in what he believes. Whatever he’s arguing is also based on faith. Will anyone go to hell because he/she has used annointing oil or go to heaven just because he didn’t?

There are lots of deceptions and the use of anointing oil of one of them… then prophetic acts— some are indeed Godly whereas others (many others) are not and they use demonic powers… one has to be discerning to tell the difference…

It’s all a farce to keep otherwise productive minds busy.

This argument between Apostle Kimani and Apostle Takim is taking a turn for the worst. It is not good to fight in public

The problem is that the Devil infiltrated the religious setups a long time ago…

Christianity ni Biashara.

Total Bullsh!t

1.The spirit of the antichrist is clearly at work. Matthew 24 clearly states that the antichrist will move with signs and wonders if possible even to deceive the elect. However God is not the author of confusion.(1 Cor 14:33).
2.Paul clearly states believers should move in full agreement in what we say and there should be no disagreements among believers in matters of faith.Jesus Christ is not divided.(1 Corinthians 1:10-17)
3. Anytime you see confusion anywhere, especially in church, Leave that place because the Holy Spirit is not present.Go back to the Bible…Like the Bereans in Acts 17…The Word of God has the FINAL say.Do not support any side.If you support any side,you are deceived. Only support what is written in the Bible.Period.
No prophet,apostle,pastor,teacher, evangelist or doctrine is above the Word of God.
4.Nobody’s ministry is above or below the others. All ministries should belong to Jesus Christ(Yeshua) and He should be at the centre.Anything other than this is not from Yahweh.How be it that both sides support the same doctrine of Jesus Christ yet be divided?
5. Pray to Yeshua and ask for discernment and you will see what is true.Check the procedure of how to correct a sinning brother in Matthew 18:15-17. As well check if you can see the fruits of the Holy Spirit present in the conflicting parties.
6.We need to read the Bible then go to church not go to church then read the Bible.Personal and habitual relationship with God comes FIRST.If not so, how then will you tell if the doctrine is erroneous or if a minister who was once good has been compromised or become proud if you dont know the Word of God in the first place?
7.Be patient and give “time” some time.As Gamaliel said in Acts 5:33, What is of God will stand and no one can stop it, and what is of men will fade away.

If the Holy Spirit tells you to do a prophetic act which is not in the Bible, say that you go pick a herb and boil and drink. Does the fact that it is not explicitly covered in the Bible make it carnal.

Because there are so many areas not covered in the Bible. For example God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. It was something that in our present age and even back then we would call demonic and child sacrifice like what was done to Molek.

The real issue here is how to discern extra biblical(not in the Bible) action based on inspiration.

I am also wondering about how to express righteous indignation. What is the best way? Jesus whipped people. Paul rebuked harshly. Saying who bewitched you? I think where we have reached now is that age of the Holy Spirit to guide you personally bcz level of deception is very high. You don’t even know who to trust or who is right and who isn’t.

Deception is real… I even wonder if there is any absolutely true denomination… By eliminating a few things, one can easily wipe out 90% of the denominations we have: For example (1) If the Church preaches and makes the people to pay tithes, this is a false teaching (2) If a Church congregation has a woman pastor, or Bishop it is false teaching or allows women to lead men (3) If a Church allows divorce and remarriage, it is ascribing to false teaching (4) If a Church/ denomination teaches that they can pray for the salvation/ forgiveness of DEAD people, they practice deception (5) If a Church preaches that Mary mother of Jesus is able to pray to God on our behalf it is a cult (6) A denomination that teaches that those who do not abide by Sabbath they are the holders of the Mark of the Beast, that is nonsense! (7) If a denomination teaches that the Holy Spirit is a force and not a person and part of the Godhead (Trinity), it teaches deception (8) Any church/ denomination that does not teach that Jesus is God, they are deceivers…(9) a church or denomination that buries its holy people or the bones of some saints under the church building is occultic … and many many more… If you think that these teachings are correct, prove it…

I think let me concentrate on my own problems with the Lord I can’t wrap my head around the churches problem with the Lord. Just read about the 7 churches in Revelation and you realise that the only person who can deal with the church is the Lord. It’s just too much of a morass for the rest of us mortal beings.

That is what I believe… May the Scriptures guide us and not blindly follow people… and when we listen to others, let us use the Scriptures to discern that which is from God and ignore other garbage…

Indeed the Holy Spirit and the Word of God should be at the centre of all things.

Concerning this matter,I wanted to discuss point 1 and 2.
1.Tithing is a concept that still exists and should be practiced.The problem is the perception on tithing, has been twisted by misled preachers.We should understand where tithing came from (Abraham and Melchizedek)… How to tithe (by putting God FIRST and by revelation of the Holy Spirit not through coercion or intimidation by the clergymen) and why we tithe (so that God may keep the devourer away and that the Lord may fulfill His Word to bless our storehouses).The same applies to all forms of giving like first fruits,offering and almsgiving…once you give, the rest God will hold each one to account.But we have to follow what He said first.
2.Women should be allowed to preach.Once again its a matter of perception.A preacher is an oracle of God i.e the voice of God.So whoever God decides to use does not matter,what matters is whether the message aligns with the Word of God as well as whether the messenger conforms to the Word of God .Under this matter,if a preacher is a woman,she should have one husband and respect him but, Jesus is above them all.No woman should blindly follow the authority of a man who is not submitted to Jesus Christ.Also no woman should try to make a man submit to her out of Scripture.All are equal before God but man has authority over woman.
3. Additionally we should understand that some women are made virgins as well as widows who do not remarry by the grace of God so that they should serve Him.It would therefore not be inorder to force such a woman to submit under a man yet it is by God’s calling that it is so.So the key focus is the message and the fruits of the Holy Spirit being produced in an orderly manner to edify the church.

On Number 3. Jesus Himself said it. Divorce is allowable on condition that this is as a result of unfaithfulness… However, remarriage is only allowable upon the death of the partner.

  1. God can use anybody or anything actually as in the case of the donkey in Balaam’s case to pass His message… But not leadership over men…

  2. Tithing certainly started with Abraham tithing to Melchizedek… However, the law on tithing was ONLY spelt out in the case of Jacob’s sons where the Levites did not inherit anything from Jacob but were to be priests forever and the brothers were to share a tenth of their produce with the Levites… Whereas tithing is not illegal, it has no basis since what we are told is “To Pay…” Tithes and not optional… This has no scriptural basis to enforce it beyond the children of Israel…

2 and 3 I agree…on 1 let us seek further clarity on the matter.Shalom.