Andrew Cuomo Becomes a Casualty of A monster he went to bed with.


Did he ever bed any of those accusers?

#MeToo movement

Imagine losing ur job for telling a collegue nic buttocks while she is getting dry fried by someone else in the same office


Hehehe, American males should start transitioning to females mapema coz it will be brutal in the coming years. Kuna time itafika, having testicles in the US will be a capital offence. These allegations against Cuomo make Bill Clinton sound like a violent rapist. Ati “he hugged me too tightly…made comments about my dress…touched my back” hii ni upuzi gani jameni :D:D:D

Enyewe deep state ikiamua kukumaliza huwezi toboa. Yaani this guy is losing his job because of baseless allegations, while Joe Biden became president even after years of documented creepy behaviour. The feminazi-infested Democratic establishment is obviously clearing Kamala’s path to the White House by getting rid of her challengers.

Sasaaaa, if I make a dirty joke to three women, two of them find it funny but one gets offended, does it mean that the joke is offensive overall? Are we supposed to read every woman’s mind to know how to act around them? The only way to survive is to ruthlessly apply The Billy Graham/Mike Pence rule.

Bill Clinton raped Juanita broaddrick amongst other women, but he is a democrat and therefore innocent.

Bill Clinton on a visit to Juanita Broaddrick’s (right) nursing home in 1978 in Van Buren, Arkansas. (Getty)

Clinton is one tall mathafaka.

These women will destroy a lot of men in their society, and be left with what?

It’s just foolish shortsightedness. Alafu when powerful men refuse to hire women for fear of such accusations, they’re called sexist. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Alisumbua Trump sana ile time ya covid, falsely accusing him of not providing enough ventilators. Sasa ona.

You have a point.

The only mistake Cuomo made is , a section of Democrat’s thinking and suggesting that he was a suitable candidate to face Donald Trump.

He was the flagship governor. Role model of how govenors should be. That is according to MSM.

I had to read this twice and look at the author about thrice.


As an American of Italian descent people should understand his background. People of Italian and Spanish descent generally like to touch and hug innocently.

a 2 time divorcee Democrat party rapist, ghassia yeye