I need an ex-uk bike for my son not exceeding 10k,there is a guy i overheard him saying ,kuna mabike zime mwagwa Kasa don known which place …guys residing in Kasa can you confirm this…
Wapi @kasaman
Got one for junior, will gjve you the contact latter in the a day
i think ni hapo mwiki shop inaitwa jamlick not so sure wether ni kasa ama mwiki iko tu hapo kati.
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Ulibuy hapo kasa ?? kindly do
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yes , will check contacts kwa receipt later
Poa, do they have a wide variety ? and are they fair ?
Spair parts mtaziendea uko uk?
Kwani wenye magari huenda abroad kununua spares ??
kunazo pia Utawala, next to family bank
Yaani hapa zinauzwa na huko zilikuwa zimetupwa mahali.
0717944749 ask for the bike …pole couldn’t pass the contact Jana
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how old is the young chap? I see if there is one that may suit him
10 yrs